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All India Law Entrance Test for LLM

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due to covid situation what is the date of exam

pdwords Student Expert 28th Apr, 2021


It's true that due to covid pandemic many  entrance exams that were schedule to take place this month got postponed, but the conducting body of AILET which is National Law University, Delhi hasn't put out any official notification regarding date change so far, so we cannot assume anything regarding this, the exact details will be specified by the officials only, you can stay updated at regarding this, and continue your preparation as well.


can I get ailet pg entrance syllabus by weightage

aswathypadinjakkara 6th Nov, 2020

Hello aspirant

AILET PG Entrance exam syllabus-

The exam consists of objective type questions (150 questions)of 150marks with a duration of 90min.

Law of torts-50que-50marks

Constitutional law, law of contract, criminal law, international law, property law, family law, intellectual property law-50que-50marks


For more details refer the following link

Hope this helps you


what is the mode of AILET Pg exam offline or online?

Sriya Bose Student Expert 11th Sep, 2020
Hello Aspirant!

The AILET PG Exam 2020 will be conducted by the National Law University, Delhi. The exam will be taken on the 26th of September 2020. It will be a centre- based online exam which means, candidates will have to go to the assigned centre to give the test which will be conducted in the CBT mode.

Can you please confirm the status of total seats for LLM this year? News reports say that seats have increased to 120, NCR reservation stayed, OBC reservation removed. NLU official website doesnt mentions reservation for OBC & EWS. Kindly confirm. Thanks

JATIN MISHRA 24th Jul, 2020


Total no. of seats offered for admission in 2020 is 2175. For UG programmes are 1308. The number of seats available for the special category is 325. The total number of seats offered to the candidates of the state where the NLUs are located is 621.

Each colleges of NLUs have different no. of reservation. You can go to the below site given for checking out the no. :


syllabus for ailet clat,????????

KUNAL LANJEWAR 1st Apr, 2020


The AILET Syllabus for BA LLB program is given below:

1. English :

  • Fill in the blanks

  • Comprehension passages

  • Antonyms

  • Synonyms

  • Idioms and Phrases

  • Jumble words and Sentences

  • Choosing the correct words

2. Elementary Mathematics:

  • Algebra

  • Profit and Loss

  • Time and Work

  • Average, Speed and Distance

  • Permutation-Combination and Venn diagrams

  • Numerical ability

3. General Knowledge :

  • Economics

  • Civics

  • Current Affairs

  • History

  • Geography

  • General Science

4. Reasoning :

  • Logical and Analytical Reasoning Skills

5. Legal Aptitude :

  • Study of law

  • Research aptitude

  • Problem solving ability

The AILET Syllabus for LLM exam is given below:

  • Law of Torts
  • Criminal Law
  • International Law
  • Jurisprudence
  • Property Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Law of Contracts
  • Criminal Law

The syllabus of CLAT PG examination is given below:

1. Constitutional Law

2. Law of Torts

3. International Law

4. Jurisprudence

5. Intellectual Property Law

6. Law of Contracts

7. Criminal Law

Best Wishes.


is syllabus for ailet pg and lsat pg is different for doing llm????

Niveditha 12th Dec, 2019

AILET consists of 150 questions; each question carrying one mark and negative marking of 0.25 is applicable for every wrong answer. AILET contains the following sections- English, General Knowledge, Legal Aptitude, Reasoning and Elementary Mathematics. There is a time limit of 90 minutes. The syllabus of each section is given below:

1.English- Comprehension passages, Synonyms and Antonyms, Choosing correct words, Idioms and phrases, Jumbled words and sentences, Fill-in the blanks

2.General Knowledge- History, Geography, General Science, Economics, Political Slience and Current Affairs

4.Elementary Mathematics- Profit and Loss, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Algebra, Average, Permutation and Combination and Venn Diagrams

5.Legal Aptitude- Study of law, Research aptitude and Problem solving skills

6.Reasoning- Logical and Analytical reasoning skills

Syllabus for ISAT:


1.Units and Measurements

2.Motion in a straight line

3.Motion in a plane

4.Laws of motion, Power and Energy

6.System of particles and rotational motion



1.Electrostatic Potential and capacitance

2.Electric charges and Fields

3.Alternating Current

4.Electromagnetic induction

5.Moving charges and Magnetism

6.Current Electricity

7.Magnetism and Matter

8.Optics and Waves

9.Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

10.Wave Optics


Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics

1.Kinetic theory

2.Thermal properties of matter

3.Mechanical properties of solids


Syllabus for Chemistry

1.Inorganic Chemistry

2.Basic Concepts of Chemistry

2.Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

3.d and f Block Elements

4.S-Block Elements (Group 1 and Group 2 elements

5.P-Block Elements



8.General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements


20.hysical Chemistry

21.States of Matter



24.Redox Reactions


26.Chemical Kinetics

27.Surface Chemistry

28.Nuclear chemistry

Organic Chemistry


2.Aromatic hydrocarbons

3.Haloalkanes and haloarenes

4.Aldehydes, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Ketones and Carboxylic cids

5.Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

Syllabus - Mathematics

1.Binomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications

2.Sets, Relations and Functions

3.Mathematical Induction

4.Permutations and Combinations

5.Sequences and Series


7.Matrices and Determinants

8.Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

9.Limit, Continuity and Differentiability

10.Three-Dimensional Geometry

11.Integral Calculus

12.Differential Equations

13.Co-Ordinate Geometry

14.Statistics and Probability

15.Vector Algebra

Best luck...


I have given AILET PG 2019 entrance. Can I get the provisional ans key and questions of 2019 anywhere? I dont find it in their website.

ginnisachdeva02_9364270 Student Expert 3rd Jul, 2019

Hello aspirant 

National law university has released the answer key of AILET exam. AILET answer key has released on 7th May2019 and you can check on the link given below. Also, you can download from the given link

Good Luck. 


What is syllabus for CLAT and AILET PG entrance exams?

Amita Marotkar 25th May, 2019

hello Sandra!

The AILET syllabus for LLM consistes of topics from law of contracts, Law of torts, criminal laws, constitutional laws and legal theory.

From each of the above  topics there are 20 questions. It is an offline exam with MCQ based answers.

total time provided is 90 mins.For each correct answer 1 mark will be awarded and negative marking of 0.25 for wrong answers.

Hope this helps!

All the best.


please tell me wats the syllabus of AILET PG 2019...not able to find it anywhere...

Yashika Kothari 28th Mar, 2019

Hello! AILET 2019 will be conducted in offline mode on May 5, 2019 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. NLU Delhi will administer AILET 2019. Apart from the topics in the LLM syllabus, candidates will also be required to write an essay on the given topic. Questions will be of objective-nature where the candidates will be required to choose one option out of the four options given.

AILET PG Exam Pattern 2019 is as follows -

  • Exam Mode: Offline
  • Exam Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Language: English
  • Types of Questions: Objective type
  • Total Marks: 150
  • Number of Questions: 150
  • Marking Scheme: 0.25 negative marking

AILET 2019 Syllabus for BA LLB programme




Fill in the blanks, comprehension passages, antonyms, synonyms, idioms and phrases, jumble words and sentences and choosing the correct words

Elementary Mathematics

Algebra, Profit and Loss, Time and work, Average, Speed and Distance, Permutation and Combination and Venn Diagrams and Numerical ability

General Knowledge

Economics, Civics, Current Affairs, History, Geography and General Science


Logical and Analytical reasoning skills

Legal Aptitude

Study of law, Research aptitude and Problem solving ability

AILET Syllabus 2019 for LLM Programmes




Law of Torts


Family Law


International Law




Property Law


Intellectual Property Law


Law of Contracts


Criminal Law

All the best!



I am in my last year of undergrad law. can I apply for ailet PG 2019?

mahimadogra_6929406 Student Expert 9th Mar, 2019


Yes, you are eligible to apply for AILET PG 2019 even if you are in the final year of your law degree. The eligibility criteria laid out for AILET PG requires you to have a law degree recognised by BCI to be eligible for admission here. But you can take the entrance exam even in your final year of law. Your admission will be provisional subject to you passing your law degree and scoring a minimum aggregate of 55% when your result is out.

Best of luck 

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