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Allahabad University BA LLB Admission Test

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what is the pattern of University of Allahabad ba.llb ..I mean what is the syllabus and strategies?

pdwords Student Expert 29th Dec, 2021


Allahabad University conducts LFAT for admission of BA-LLB, the entrance test is conducted for two hours, there is a total of 150 MCQs from sections such as

  • Language Comprehension consists of

    Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Correction or Completion, Antonyms and synonyms

  • General Awareness and Current Affairs consists of Major developments in geopolitics, Eminent personalities, Sports, Awards and honours, Important environmental agreements, International events, Current affairs, UN bodies

  • Reasoning, Mental Ability and Legal Aptitude consists of International Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Contracts and Constitutional Law, Law of Crimes, Torts, Legal Awareness including Constitutional Law & Polity, Series, Blood Relations, Directions, Critical Reasoning, Analogy, Syllogism etc.

each section consists of 50 questions, and for each question two marks are allotted, there is no negative marking scheme,

you can visit our page at to know more details regarding this.


No. of seats in allahabad university?

Siddhant Singh 27th Dec, 2021


Allahabad university is one of the oldest and central university at Allahabad . The no of seats for undergraduate course is 17000 and 9447 for post graduation course. Al though the number of seats changes year by year . kindly go through the link.


good luck


lFAT entrance exam ki taiyari kon sa aap karata h

pdwords Student Expert 29th Dec, 2021


I believe your query is for LFAT, first of all in order to start your preparation, you need to be well acquainted with the exam pattern, and syllabus as follows-

LFAT  is conducted for two hours, there is a total of 150 MCQs from sections such as

Language Comprehension consists of Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Correction or Completion, Antonyms and synonyms

You can use YouTube channels regarding this, there are various tutorials to help you for understanding of each concept aforementioned, other than this go through Word Power Made Easy for Vocabulary, Wren and Martin for grammar section, and Objective General English by SP Bakshi for practice purpose.

General Awareness and Current Affairs consists of Major developments in geopolitics, Eminent personalities, Sports, Awards and honours, Important environmental agreements, International events, Current affairs, UN bodies

Download The Hindu or The Indian Express to cover this section, additionally you can go through monthly magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan, there are various educational blogs related to preparation which you can explore accordingly,

Reasoning, Mental Ability and Legal Aptitude consists of International Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Contracts and Constitutional Law, Law of Crimes, Torts, Legal Awareness including Constitutional Law & Polity, Series, Blood Relations, Directions, Critical Reasoning, Analogy, Syllogism etc.

Refer Legal Awareness and Legal Aptitude by AP Bhardwaj, Bare Acts of Indian Constitution to cover this section,

each section consists of 50 questions, and for each question two marks are allotted, there is no negative marking scheme,

Visit our page at to know more detailed information about preparation tips for LFAT.


Allahbad university B.A.LL.b entrance exam k centrr kha jata h ..??or iska paper kon si lenguage m aata h??

Yash Dev Student Expert 22nd Apr, 2021

Hello student Allahabad University conduct LFAT entrance exam for admission into BALLB 5year course. Mode of examination in pen paper based

Exam language - English.

List of examination center is not released by the examination conducting body yet so I'm unable to provide you that.

For more details refer to the link mentioned below -

Feel free to comment if you've any doubt

Good luck


which topic should i have to read for lfat

Sree Student Expert 21st Apr, 2021

Hello aspirant,

The exam consists of three subjects i.e. reasoning, mental ability and law subjects. As you are wishing to take the admission in the law programme you will need to keep checking the exam pattern to get an idea about the exam pattern.

The topics you have to read for IFAT are listed below.

  • General Awareness
  • Current Affairs
  • English Grammar
  • Law Subjects
  • International Law
  • Law of Crimes
  • Legal Awareness covering Constitutional Law and Polity
  • Contracts and Constitutional Law
  • Vicarious Liability
  • Strict Liability
  • Torts
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Series
  • Analogy
  • Blood Relations
  • Directions
  • Critical Reasoning
  • Syllogism

For more information go through below mentioned link.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck!!


when will blat 2021 held???

Abir Gayen 17th Mar, 2021

Hi Aspirant,

The Application have already started in February 8,2021 and the exam is supposed to be held at May 11,2021.Admit card will be provided soon to those candidates who have successfully registered for the exam.The application date will end at March 20,2021.

Hope it helps!!


syllabus? list provide krdijye particular topic ki

Pankhuri Kumari 11th Mar, 2021
The questions asked in LFAT are based on topics such as reasoning, mental ability, legal aptitude. The link given below will help you with syllabus and  more information -

Hope this helps.
Good luck!
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