VGU, Jaipur | Law Admissions 2025
Admissions open for 5 year Integrated LLB & LLB programs | Approved by Bar Council of India
LSAT India is no longer held. The exam has been scrapped by Pearson VUE this year. Admission to Jindal Global Law School will be held through the LNAT UK 2025 exam. Registration for LNAT UK 2025 are currently open. JGLS will accept LNAT exam for admission to 5-year integrated LLB courses. Whereas admission to the 3-year LLB, LLM and BA in Law courses offered by JGLS, Sonipat will be conducted through JSAT Law exam.
The purpose of the LSAT India Reading Comprehension section is to evaluate a candidate's understanding and insight as they read lengthy, complex texts that are similar to what they would often encounter in law school. There are four sets of reading questions in the LSAT India Reading Comprehension section. Each set comprises five to eight questions after a choice of readings.
One reading passage is offered as the reading choice in three of the four sets; the other set often contains two shorter, related pieces. Sets that consist of two passages fall under the Reading Comprehension category of Comparative Reading.
Several essential techniques and tactics are needed to prepare for the LSAT India Reading Comprehension 2025 portion. This thorough guide will assist you in getting ready.
The table below provides the LSAT India Exam pattern;
Sections | Questions | Duration |
Analytical reasoning | 23 | 35 minutes |
Logical reasoning (1) | 22 | 35 minutes |
Logical reasoning (2) | 23 | 35 minutes |
Reading comprehension | 24 | 35 minutes |
The purpose of the LSAT India Reading Comprehension 2025 portion is to evaluate a candidate's comprehension, analysis, and interpretation of difficult texts. When assessing the critical reading abilities required for success in law school and the legal field, this portion is extremely important.
There will often be four passages in the LSAT Reading Comprehension part, each followed by questions that are based on the passage. The fourth one will consist of a mixture of two brief sections for comparison reading, while the other three will be single passages. The sections will come from a broad range of disciplines, including the humanities, sciences, social sciences, and law.
Usually, the LSAT India Reading Comprehension Syllabus include the following:
Passages: Four texts with five to eight questions after each. The excerpts are from a range of sources, such as publications in the fields of law, philosophy, literature, physics, and social science.
Questions: The questions assess several comprehension-related skills.
Main Idea: Determining the passage's main goal or key idea.
Details: Identifying certain facts provided in the text.
Inference: Making sense of the data and coming to logical conclusions.
Recognising the tone and attitude of the writer on the topic.
Structure: Examining the passage's arrangement and structure.
Comparative Reading: Occasionally, a question will ask you to compare two texts or points of view.
Critical Reading: The capacity to efficiently and critically read complicated and dense material.
Analytical reasoning: It is the process of analysing arguments and determining underlying premises, assumptions, and implications.
Interpretation: The process of analysing and interpreting data in order to reach reliable conclusions.
Paying Close Attention: Recalling certain details with accuracy and identifying subtleties within the text.
Here are some thorough LSAT India Reading Comprehension Preparation Tips:
Recognise Structure: Become familiar with sections and question kinds, such as the tone of the author, the primary concept, and particular detail enquiries.
Focus on Comprehension: Put new words into context, determine the tone and goals of the author, and stay away from unfamiliar terms.
Engage in Active Reading: Highlight important ideas, condense paragraphs, and determine the type of organisation the piece has (narrative, descriptive, argumentative).
Develop Inference skills: to draw conclusions from material that isn't explicitly stated and to steer clear of assumptions based on outside information.
Time management tips: include taking it slow, navigating through challenging issues, and practising under pressure.
Analyse and Assess: Examine your work, comprehend the sorts of challenging passages, and modify your practice as necessary.
Improve Reading Habits: by Reading a Variety of Sources, Reading Critically, and Practicing Skimming and Scanning.
Practice Techniques: Take realistic practice tests with multiple-choice questions and apply elimination procedures.
Maintain a Positive Attitude: Remain composed, gain self-assurance, and concentrate on your abilities and readiness.
Many books and resources can help with LSAT India Reading Comprehension portion preparation. The following LSAT India Reading Comprehension books are suggested reading:
Book Title | Author |
LSAT Reading Comprehension Bible | David M. Killoran |
The PowerScore LSAT Reading Comprehension Bible Workbook | David M. Killoran |
Kaplan's LSAT Prep Plus | Kaplan's Study Guide |
The LSAT Trainer | Mike Kim |
For decades, there has been a deep rift between poetry and fiction in the United States, especially in academic settings; graduate writing programs in universities, for example, train students as poets or as (5) writers of fiction, but almost never as both. Both poets
and writers of fiction have tended to support this separation, in large part because the current conventional wisdom holds that poetry should be elliptical and lyrical, reflecting inner states and (10) processes of thought or feeling, whereas character and narrative events are the stock-in-trade of fiction. Certainly it is true that poetry and fiction are distinct genres, but why have specialized education and literary territoriality resulted from this distinction? (15) The answer lies perhaps in a widespread attitude in U.S. culture, which often casts a suspicious eye on the generalist. Those with knowledge and expertise in multiple areas risk charges of dilettantism, as if ability in one field is diluted or compromised by (20) accomplishment in another. Fortunately, there are signs that the bias against writers who cross generic boundaries is diminishing; several recent writers are known and respected for their work in both genres. One important example of (25) this trend is Rita Dove, an African American writer highly acclaimed for both her poetry and her fiction. A few years ago, speaking at a conference entitled “Poets Who Write Fiction,” Dove expressed gentle incredulity about the habit of segregating the genres. (30) She had grown up reading and loving both fiction and poetry, she said, unaware of any purported danger lurking in attempts to mix the two. She also studied for some time in Germany, where, she observes, “Poets write plays, novelists compose libretti, playwrights (35) write novels—they would not understand our restrictiveness.”
It makes little sense, Dove believes, to persist in the restrictive approach to poetry and fiction prevalent in the U.S., because each genre shares in the nature of (40) the other. Indeed, her poetry offers example after example of what can only be properly regarded as lyric narrative. Her use of language in these poems is undeniably lyrical—that is, it evokes emotion and inner states without requiring the reader to organize (45) ideas or events in a particular linear structure. Yet this lyric expression simultaneously presents the elements of a plot in such a way that the reader is led repeatedly to take account of clusters of narrative details within the lyric flow. Thus while the language is lyrical, it (50) often comes to constitute, cumulatively, a work of narrative fiction. Similarly, many passages in her fiction, though undeniably prose, achieve the status of lyric narrative through the use of poetic rhythms and elliptical expression. In short, Dove bridges the gap (55) between poetry and fiction not only by writing in both genres, but also by fusing the two genres within individual works.
1. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main point of the passage?
(A) Rita Dove’s work has been widely acclaimed primarily because of the lyrical elements she has introduced into her fiction.
(B) Rita Dove’s lyric narratives present clusters of narrative detail to create a cumulative narrative without requiring the reader to interpret it linearly.
(C) Rita Dove’s successful blending of poetry and fiction exemplifies the recent trend away from the rigid separation of the two genres that has long been prevalent in the U.S.
(D) Unlike many of her U.S. contemporaries, Rita Dove writes without relying on the traditional techniques associated with poetry and fiction.
Explanation: (C) The passage discusses how Rita Dove's work exemplifies a move away from the traditional separation between poetry and fiction. Dove’s success in both genres highlights a trend towards bridging the gap that has historically existed.
2. Which one of the following is most analogous to the literary achievements that the author attributes to Dove?
(A) A chef combines nontraditional cooking methods and traditional ingredients from disparate world cuisines to devise new recipes.
(B) A professor of film studies becomes a film director and succeeds, partly due to a wealth of theoretical knowledge of filmmaking.
(C) An actor who is also a theatrical director teams up with a public health agency to use street theater to inform the public about health matters.
(D) A choreographer defies convention and choreographs dances that combine elements of both ballet and jazz dance.
Explanation: (D) Just as Dove combines elements of poetry and fiction, a choreographer combining ballet and jazz dance defies conventional boundaries in a similar way.
3. According to the passage, in the U.S. there is a widely held view that
(A) poetry should not involve characters or narratives
(B) unlike the writing of poetry, the writing of fiction is rarely an academically serious
(C) graduate writing programs focus on poetry to the exclusion of fiction
(D) fiction is most aesthetically effective when it incorporates lyrical elements
Explanation: (A) According to the Passage, poetry should be lyrical and elliptical, emphasising inner moods as opposed to the people and narrative events that characterise fiction.
4. The author’s attitude toward the deep rift between poetry and fiction in the U.S. can be most accurately described as one of
(A) perplexity as to what could have led to the development of such a rift
(B) disapproval of attitudes and presuppositions underlying the rift
(C) ambivalence toward the effect the rift has had on U.S. literature
(D) pessimism regarding the possibility that the rift can be overcome
Explanation: (B) The author expresses dislike of the division between poetry and fiction, citing the genres as distinct and not overlapping, and criticises the narrow approach to both genres.
5. In the passage the author conjectures that a cause of the deep rift between fiction and poetry in the United States may be that
(A) poets and fiction writers each tend to see their craft as superior to the others’ craft
(B) the methods used in training graduate students in poetry are different from those used in training graduate students in other literary fields
(C) publishers often pressure writers to concentrate on what they do best
(D) a suspicion of generalism deters writers from dividing their energies between the two genres
Explanation: (D) The paragraph makes the argument that one reason poetry and fiction are kept apart is because American culture is suspicious of generalists and believes that having knowledge of several fields can make one less competent.
6. In the context of the passage, the author’s primary purpose in mentioning Dove’s experience in Germany (lines 32–36) is to
(A) suggest that the habit of treating poetry and fiction as nonoverlapping domains is characteristic of English-speaking societies but not others
(B) point to an experience that reinforced Dove’s conviction that poetry and fiction should not be rigidly separated
(C) indicate that Dove’s strengths as a writer derive in large part from the international character of her academic background
(D) present an illuminating biographical detail about Dove in an effort to enhance the human interest appeal of the passage
Explanation: (A) The reference of Dove's experience in Germany is used to emphasise that other cultures, unlike the United States, do not maintain such a strict division between genres, implying that this separation is more common in English-speaking civilisations.
7. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to believe which one of the following?
(A) Each of Dove’s works can be classified as either primarily poetry or primarily fiction,
even though it may contain elements of both.
(B) The aesthetic value of lyric narrative resides in its representation of a sequence of events, rather than in its ability to evoke inner states.
(C) The way in which Dove blends genres in her writing is without precedent in U.S. writing.
(D) Narrative that uses lyrical language is generally aesthetically superior to pure lyric poetry.
Explanation: (A) The passage indicates that Dove’s work often blends elements of both genres, but it does not suggest that the works are purely one or the other. The focus is on the combination and blending of genres rather than strict classification.
8. If this passage had been excerpted from a longer text, which one of the following predictions about the near future of U.S. literature would be most likely to appear in that text?
(A) The number of writers who write both poetry and fiction will probably continue to grow.
(B) Because of the increased interest in mixed genres, the small market for pure lyric poetry will likely shrink even further.
(C) Narrative poetry will probably come to be regarded as a sub-genre of fiction.
(D) There will probably be a rise in specialization among writers in university writing programs.
Explanation: (A) Given the passage’s emphasis on the diminishing bias against genre-crossing and the example of Rita Dove, it is likely that the trend of writers successfully working in both poetry and fiction will continue.
It's well known that the Reading Comprehension (RC) component of the LSAT is the hardest to get better at. The common belief is that our reading habits are firmly rooted and difficult to break.
The LSAT's Reading Comprehension part consists of 26–28 multiple-choice questions that need to be answered in 35 minutes.
The LSAT syllabus for India is broken into four sections: reading comprehension, logical reasoning 1, logical reasoning 2, and analytical reasoning.
Two hours and twenty minutes make up the LSAT India.
Yes, study guides for the LSAT exam are available.
Hello! Thank you for reaching out to Careers360.
Regarding your inquiry about the next last exam, could you please provide more specific details about the exam you are referring to? Information such as the subject or program will enable me to assist you more effectively in determining the exact date and any relevant details.
We aim to ensure you have all the necessary information to prepare accordingly. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please feel free to ask!
Hello aspirant,
Hope you are doing absolutely great.
So with regard to your query, the LSAT exam is conducted every year by the Law School Admission Council, and results for this years' exam are most probably to be released in the month of July 2022. However, the dates were still not yet notified.
So, in order to check the result follow these steps:
1. Visit the official site of LSAT i.e.
2. Then click on the LSAT score card link on the website.
3. Login into your account by using your User ID and Password.
4. The result will be displayed automatically.
Checkout the link for information regarding LSAT exam:
Hope this helps you!!
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing great ! The result of LSAT will come very soon , as expected it is about to come in the third week of July till then have patience , you will get what you deserve .Follow the below steps to get the result ;
Hope it helps you !
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing great ! See, this is something we can't tell accurate ,we can just predict whether it will tough than previous one or not , so all I want to tell that rather than asking such questions and overthinking if you put this time in hardwork then definitely it will be more beneficial than this . Paper will be easy ,don't worry ,focus on your preparation , for smarts and intelligent students , everything will be easy while for lazy students and for those who don't do hardwork it will be difficult . Open your eyes and work hard .
Hope it helps you !!
Thanking you
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing well ! As i came to know from the tags that you are asking about LSAT . SO look below table for details of LSAT .
LSAT India 2022 Highlights
Full Exam Name | Law School Admission Test for India |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Mode of Counselling | Offline |
Participating Colleges | 40 |
Exam Duration | 2 Hours 20 Minutes |
A lawyer is a professional who practises law. An Individual in the lawyer career path defends his or her client's cases and makes arguments on his or her behalf in both criminal and civil proceedings. A lawyer may advise and assist clients on how they should handle their legal issues. An individual as a career in law in India is considered one of the most sought-after careers.
A lawyer's job requires inhibiting skills. It involves practical applications of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specialised individual problems or to facilitate the interests of those who hire a lawyer to perform legal services. Here, in this article, we will discuss how to become a lawyer after 10th, is lawyer a good career in India, and how to become a lawyer in India.
Are you searching for a civil lawyer job description? A civil lawyer is a law professional who deals with disputes that come under civil law. Civil law is applicable to issues related t property and business disputes, family disputes, and torts. A tort can be defined as a civil wrong that causes the other person harm or injury. A Civil lawyer handles disputes regarding personal injury, family relationships, real estate, and employment. A career as a civil lawyer requires working with government entities and business institutions.
Individuals in the human rights lawyer career path are legal professionals responsible for advocating for people whose inherent dignity has been violated and who have suffered a lot of injustice. They take cases to defend the human rights of minorities, vulnerable populations, the LGBTQI community, indigenous people and others.
A criminal lawyer is a lawyer who specialises in the field of crimes and punishments. Individuals who have been accused of committing a crime are guided by a criminal lawyer. Bail bond hearings, plea bargains, trials, dismissal hearings, appeals, and post-conviction procedures are all part of his or her work. Criminal law is the body of law that describes criminal acts, governs the arrest, prosecution, and trial of offenders, and defines the sentences and correctional options that are available to criminals.
Family lawyers are required to assist a client in resolving any family-related problem. In general, family lawyers operate as mediators between family members when conflicts arise. Individuals who opt for a career as Family Lawyer is charged with drafting prenuptial agreements to protect someone's financial interests prior to marriage, consulting on grounds for impeachment or civil union separation, and drafting separation agreements.
Cyber law careers deal with cyber law job opportunities concerning cybercrimes of all aspects such as cyberbullying, cyber frauds, cyber stalking, sharing personal information without consent, intellectual property and intellectual property, transactions, and freedom of speech.
An immigration lawyer is responsible for representing the individuals (clients) involved in the immigration process that includes legal, and illegal citizens and refugees who want to reside in the country, start a business or get employment.
A career as Government Lawyer is a professional who deals with law and requires to work for the government. He or she is required to work for either the state government or central government and is also known as Advocate General of the state and attorney general. A career as Government Lawyer requires one to work on behalf of government ministers and administrative staff. He or she gives legal advice and provides legal services in the public interest.
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