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Logical Corollary for CLAT - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Oct 04, 2023 04:25 PM | #CLAT

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  • 10 Questions around this concept.

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Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question. 



Title: "The Ethical Dilemma of Autonomous Vehicles"


In the realm of transportation, a technological revolution is underway with the advent of autonomous vehicles. These self-driving cars promise increased safety, efficiency, and convenience. However, they also introduce a profound ethical dilemma.


Consider the following scenario: a self-driving car approaches an intersection, and a sudden mechanical failure occurs. The vehicle must make a split-second decision to avoid a collision. The options are stark: swerve and potentially endanger pedestrians on the sidewalk, or stay the course and risk harm to the passengers inside the car.


This scenario encapsulates the heart of the ethical debate surrounding autonomous vehicles. The car's decision-making algorithm must be programmed with predefined priorities. Should it prioritise the safety of passengers above all else, potentially leading to harm for others? Or should it prioritise minimising harm to all parties involved, even if it means placing passengers in danger?


Furthermore, questions of liability arise. In the event of an accident, who bears responsibility—the passenger, the car's manufacturer, or the developers of the autonomous system?


Addressing these ethical dilemmas requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving ethicists, engineers, policymakers, and society at large. Striking a balance between technological advancement and ethical considerations is paramount for the responsible integration of autonomous vehicles into our transportation systems.


What is the main theme of the passage?


Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question. 



Title: "The Ethical Dilemma of Autonomous Vehicles"


In the realm of transportation, a technological revolution is underway with the advent of autonomous vehicles. These self-driving cars promise increased safety, efficiency, and convenience. However, they also introduce a profound ethical dilemma.


Consider the following scenario: a self-driving car approaches an intersection, and a sudden mechanical failure occurs. The vehicle must make a split-second decision to avoid a collision. The options are stark: swerve and potentially endanger pedestrians on the sidewalk, or stay the course and risk harm to the passengers inside the car.


This scenario encapsulates the heart of the ethical debate surrounding autonomous vehicles. The car's decision-making algorithm must be programmed with predefined priorities. Should it prioritise the safety of passengers above all else, potentially leading to harm for others? Or should it prioritise minimising harm to all parties involved, even if it means placing passengers in danger?


Furthermore, questions of liability arise. In the event of an accident, who bears responsibility—the passenger, the car's manufacturer, or the developers of the autonomous system?


Addressing these ethical dilemmas requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving ethicists, engineers, policymakers, and society at large. Striking a balance between technological advancement and ethical considerations is paramount for the responsible integration of autonomous vehicles into our transportation systems.


According to the passage, what approach is necessary to address the ethical dilemmas posed by autonomous vehicles?



Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question. 



Title: "The Future of Space Exploration"


As humanity stands on the brink of a new era of space exploration, questions about the ethical and practical implications of venturing beyond our home planet loom large. The ambitious plans to establish colonies on the Moon and Mars raise complex issues that must be carefully considered.


One of the primary challenges is the preservation of celestial environments. As humans set foot on extraterrestrial bodies, they bring with them the potential for contamination. Microbes from Earth, invisible to the naked eye, could inadvertently hitch a ride, disrupting ecosystems that have existed for millennia.


Furthermore, questions of governance arise. Who has the authority to regulate and oversee these off-world colonies? Should they be governed by international bodies or by the nations or corporations responsible for their establishment? Striking a balance between autonomy and accountability will be crucial.


Ethical concerns also come to the forefront. How should we handle potential discoveries of extraterrestrial life? What protocols should be in place to ensure the respectful treatment of any life forms we may encounter? These questions demand thoughtful consideration and an approach grounded in respect for the unknown.


Finally, the economic viability of space colonies remains a critical factor. Balancing the immense costs of space exploration with the potential benefits—both scientific and economic—requires careful economic planning and international collaboration.


As we embark on this new chapter of space exploration, it is imperative that we approach it with a sense of responsibility, guided by ethical considerations and a dedication to the preservation of the cosmic environments we may soon call home.


What is a central question raised in the passage regarding the governance of off-world colonies? 


Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question. 



Title: "The Future of Space Exploration"


As humanity stands on the brink of a new era of space exploration, questions about the ethical and practical implications of venturing beyond our home planet loom large. The ambitious plans to establish colonies on the Moon and Mars raise complex issues that must be carefully considered.


One of the primary challenges is the preservation of celestial environments. As humans set foot on extraterrestrial bodies, they bring with them the potential for contamination. Microbes from Earth, invisible to the naked eye, could inadvertently hitch a ride, disrupting ecosystems that have existed for millennia.


Furthermore, questions of governance arise. Who has the authority to regulate and oversee these off-world colonies? Should they be governed by international bodies or by the nations or corporations responsible for their establishment? Striking a balance between autonomy and accountability will be crucial.


Ethical concerns also come to the forefront. How should we handle potential discoveries of extraterrestrial life? What protocols should be in place to ensure the respectful treatment of any life forms we may encounter? These questions demand thoughtful consideration and an approach grounded in respect for the unknown.


Finally, the economic viability of space colonies remains a critical factor. Balancing the immense costs of space exploration with the potential benefits—both scientific and economic—requires careful economic planning and international collaboration.


As we embark on this new chapter of space exploration, it is imperative that we approach it with a sense of responsibility, guided by ethical considerations and a dedication to the preservation of the cosmic environments we may soon call home.

What ethical concern is discussed in the passage regarding potential discoveries of extraterrestrial life?


Concepts Covered - 1

Logical Corollary

Introduction to Logical Corollary in Application-Based Questions:


Logical corollary questions assess your ability to draw logical conclusions or inferences based on the information presented in a passage. These questions require you to analyse the passage's content, identify relationships between ideas, and deduce logical implications or consequences. Mastering the skill of identifying logical corollaries is crucial for success in the VARC section of the various entrance exams.


Key Points:


Understanding Logical Corollaries: A logical corollary is a statement or inference that logically follows from the information provided in the passage. It represents a direct consequence or implication of the facts or arguments presented.


Analyse the Passage: To identify logical corollaries, carefully analyse the content of the passage. Pay attention to cause-and-effect relationships, conditional statements, and any explicitly stated or implied connections between ideas.


Logical Reasoning: Logical corollary questions often involve logical reasoning and deductive thinking. You must apply your analytical skills to derive conclusions that logically flow from the passage's information.


Eliminate Incorrect Options: When answering logical corollary questions, consider each answer choice carefully. Eliminate choices that do not logically follow from the passage's content. The correct answer should be a logical consequence.


Multiple Steps: In some cases, identifying a logical corollary may require multiple steps of reasoning. Break down complex passages or arguments into smaller components to deduce the correct conclusion.




Let's work through an example of a logical corollary question:


Passage Excerpt:

"Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between regular exercise and improved cardiovascular health. Engaging in physical activity, such as jogging or swimming, can lead to a lower risk of heart disease."


Logical Corollary Question:

"Based on the passage, which of the following statements is a logical corollary?"




Analyse the Passage: The passage discusses the relationship between regular exercise and improved cardiovascular health. It implies that engaging in physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease.


Identify the Corollary: To find a logical corollary, look for a statement that directly follows from this information. In this case, the logical corollary would be something that reinforces the idea of exercise reducing the risk of heart disease.


Evaluate the Answer Choices:


a) "Exercise is the sole factor influencing cardiovascular health."

b) "Heart disease can be completely eliminated with exercise."

c) "Regular exercise has no impact on overall health."

d) "Engaging in physical activity can decrease the risk of heart disease."


Correct Answer: Option d) "Engaging in physical activity can decrease the risk of heart disease."


Explanation: This statement logically follows from the passage's information about the correlation between exercise and improved cardiovascular health. It reinforces the idea presented in the passage.


Identifying logical corollaries requires careful analysis of the passage and the ability to deduce conclusions that logically align with the information provided. Practise logical reasoning questions to enhance your skills in drawing accurate logical inferences from passages.


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