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Solving Main Central And Title Questions for CLAT - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Oct 04, 2023 04:25 PM | #CLAT

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  • 5 Questions around this concept.

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Direction: Read the passage and answer the question.


Ecosystems, intricate webs of living organisms and their environment, form the tapestry of life on our planet. From the towering canopies of tropical rainforests to the stark expanses of deserts, each ecosystem plays a unique role in the global balance of nature.


Tropical rainforests, characterised by high rainfall and lush vegetation, host an astonishing array of biodiversity. Here, myriad species coexist in a complex dance of predator and prey, pollinator and flower. The equilibrium of this ecosystem is delicately maintained, with each organism contributing to the intricate web of life.


In contrast, deserts, with their arid conditions and limited resources, challenge life to adapt and thrive. Plants and animals in these harsh environments have evolved remarkable strategies for survival. Succulents store water for extended periods, while nocturnal creatures emerge under the cover of darkness to escape the scorching sun.


Coral reefs, often called the rainforests of the sea, thrive in the shallow, sun-drenched waters of tropical oceans. These vibrant underwater communities are teeming with life, from the brilliantly coloured corals to the myriad fish species that find refuge and sustenance within their intricate structures.


Even seemingly barren landscapes like the Arctic tundra are rich in biodiversity. Here, hardy plants and specialised animals have evolved to endure the extreme cold and brief growing seasons. Migratory birds and herds of caribou traverse this vast expanse, highlighting the interconnectedness of ecosystems across continents.


The symphony of ecosystems extends beyond terrestrial realms to include freshwater environments. Rivers, lakes, and wetlands support a diverse array of life, from aquatic plants to fish and amphibians. These ecosystems play critical roles in nutrient cycling and provide habitats for a multitude of species.


Understanding and preserving the intricate balance of ecosystems is paramount in the face of environmental challenges. Human activities, from deforestation to pollution, can disrupt this delicate harmony, leading to far-reaching consequences for both nature and humanity.



What is the central theme of the passage?


Direction:  Read the passage and answer the question

In the heart of the dense Amazon rainforest, scientists have discovered a new species of colorful butterflies. These butterflies, named "Amazonian Rainbow," are a sight to behold with their vibrant hues of blue, green, and yellow. The discovery has sparked excitement among researchers and nature enthusiasts alike. The Amazonian Rainbow butterflies are not only visually stunning but also play a vital role in the ecosystem as pollinators for various plant species. This finding underscores the importance of preserving the Amazon rainforest and its rich biodiversity for future generations.


What is the main idea of the passage?

Concepts Covered - 1

Solving Main Central And Title Questions

Main Idea and Title Questions


Understanding Main Idea and Title Questions:


Main Idea questions assess the central theme or core message conveyed by a passage. They require a comprehensive understanding of the entire text, as opposed to specific details. Title questions, on the other hand, demand the identification of a suitable heading or title that accurately summarises the main theme of the passage.


Approach for Main Idea Questions:


  1. Identify the Central Theme:

The central theme is the overarching idea or message that encompasses the entire passage. It is not specific to any particular detail or example. Look for the primary argument or main point that ties the passage together.


If a passage discusses the benefits of exercise for physical and mental health, the central theme might be the importance of a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Analyse Supporting Details:

While the main idea is the central theme, it is often supported by various details, arguments, or examples in the passage. These supporting elements contribute to the overall message.


In the exercise passage, supporting details may include statistics on reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive function.


  1. Avoid Distractions:

Be cautious of specific details or examples that may seem important but are not central to the overall theme. Focus on the broader message.


If the passage briefly mentions a specific study on exercise and mental health, it may be a supporting detail rather than the main idea.



Passage Excerpt:

"In the age of information, critical thinking skills are more crucial than ever. The ability to discern reliable sources from misinformation empowers individuals to make informed decisions in an increasingly complex world."

Main Idea Question:

"What is the central theme of the passage?"


The main idea of this passage revolves around the significance of critical thinking skills in navigating the information age. It emphasises the importance of distinguishing reliable sources from misinformation for informed decision-making.


Approach for Title Questions:

  1. Create a Comprehensive Summary:

Begin by summarising the passage in a sentence or two. This summary should capture the essence of the passage without getting into specific details.


If the passage discusses the benefits of mindfulness meditation for stress reduction, the summary might be: "Mindfulness meditation as a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving overall well-being."


  1. Consider the Passage's Focus:

The title should reflect the primary focus or message of the passage. It should be broad enough to encompass all major points discussed.


In the meditation passage, the title should convey that the main focus is on the benefits of mindfulness meditation for stress reduction.


  1. Avoid Specifics and Extraneous Details:

Titles should not delve into specific examples or minor details. They should provide a general overview of the passage's content.


A title like "Case Studies on Mindfulness Meditation Efficacy" would be too specific and not suitable for representing the entire passage.



Passage Excerpt:

"In the realm of environmental conservation, community engagement plays a pivotal role. Empowering local communities to take ownership of their natural resources fosters sustainable practices and long-term preservation."

Title Question:

"What would be a suitable title for the passage?"


A fitting title for this passage might be "The Vital Role of Community Engagement in Environmental Conservation." This title captures the essence of the passage, emphasising the importance of involving local communities in conservation efforts.


Key Considerations:

  • Avoiding Misleading Details: Titles should not be misleading or focus on a single aspect of the passage. They should represent the entire content accurately.


  • Balancing Specificity and Generality: Titles should strike a balance between being too specific (focusing on one detail) and too general (lacking substance).


  • Using Clear and Concise Language: Titles should be clear, concise, and directly related to the main theme of the passage.


Mastering the ability to discern the main idea and create suitable titles is crucial for success in the Reading Comprehension section of exams. By following these approaches, students can develop a structured method for tackling these types of questions effectively.


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