CLAT 2021 Topper Utkarsh Panda, AIR 53, says, “The only thing predictable about CLAT is its unpredictability”

CLAT 2021 Topper Utkarsh Panda, AIR 53, says, “The only thing predictable about CLAT is its unpredictability”

Edited By Manashjyoti | Updated on Aug 10, 2021 05:28 PM IST | #CLAT

CLAT 2021 Topper Interview - Sometimes when you walk out of the exam hall, you pretty much know what kind of score or even rank you are going to get. And it was exactly the case with Utkarsh Panda, a young lad from the city of Bhubaneswar, who knew he was going to get around 105 marks or a rank in the range of 30-80. And lo and behold, when CLAT 2021 results were declared, Utkarsh bagged the AIR 53 with a score of 105.75. But the results proved to be kind of bittersweet for the young achiever, because somewhere there was a sense of disappointment as he felt he could have done better. But the good thing is he has decided to look at the positive side of things and taken the results in stride.

CLAT 2021 Topper Utkarsh Panda, AIR 53, says, “The only thing predictable about CLAT is its unpredictability”
CLAT 2021 Topper Utkarsh Panda, AIR 53, says, “The only thing predictable about CLAT is its unpredictability”
LiveCLAT 2025 Hearing LIVE: Delhi HC seeks response from Consortium in 2 weeks; next hearing on April 7Mar 3, 2025 | 10:12 PM IST

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Careers360 caught up with the CLAT 2021 topper to discuss a range of topics, including how he kickstarted his CLAT exam preparation. The discussion then veered to what kind of books he used as reference material, whether he believed in a rigid timetable, last month and week’s preparation tips, the importance of mock tests and the right frequency, and much more.

Read the CLAT 2021 topper interview with Utkarsh Panda, as it is laced with pearls of wisdom and insightful tips on how one can ace the CLAT exam.

The Consortium of NLUs had conducted the pen-and-paper based CLAT 2021 exam at 147 test centres across the country.

Interview of CLAT 2021 Topper Utkarsh Panda, AIR 53

Careers360: Congratulations on your performance in CLAT 2021. What was your initial reaction upon knowing your rank?

Utkarsh: Thank you so much! The Consortium had promised to declare the results on the 28th of July, so I had been anxiously refreshing the results page since 3 am, and was understandably exhausted when they finally released ranks at around 11:57pm! The initial reaction was a concoction of relief and slight disappointment- relief for having secured a rank good enough for getting a seat in NLSIU, but a tangible sense of disappointment because I knew I could have done slightly better. But in retrospect, I’m grateful for the rank I got and I have no regrets.

Careers360: Tell us something about yourself - the board you studied under, the name of the school, the place you belong to, and a bit about your family.

Utkarsh: I come from a family deeply rooted in a romance with finance- my father is a banker, and my mother was also one before voluntarily retiring last year so that we could spend more time together. My grandfather is a devout person, and that helps to maintain a balance of spirituality in the household. My elder sister is a student at NLUO and cleared CLAT in 2018, so

I had a brief idea of the structure and format of the exam before I chose to delve into it myself.

I have been a resident of the city of Bhubaneswar for almost the entirety of my childhood, and all my schooling has been at a CBSE affiliated institution called Mother’s Public School.

Careers360: What are your overall and sectional scores in CLAT 2021?

Utkarsh: My overall score was 105.75. I scored 23 in English, 28.75 in Logical, 10.25 in Maths and 21.25 in GK. Legal proved to be my undoing as I scored 22.5 in it.

Careers360: Were you expecting the results, or it was a surprise?

Utkarsh: It wasn’t a huge surprise to be honest, because after you leave the exam hall you more or less get an idea about how you have fared and discussions with your peers gives you a range where you can expect yourself to be. I had a feeling a score of 105 in a paper like that would get me a rank in the range of 30-80, so I had prepared myself for the same beforehand.

Careers360: How and when did you start preparing for CLAT 2021 exam?

Utkarsh: I started preparing for CLAT in the first few months of starting grade 11th. I joined Rajneesh Sir’s batch of 12 called the DoZen, where Sir and I chalked out some basic plans for my prep which I then executed, tweaking them along the way as my strengths and weaknesses morphed. I started giving mocks from the first month itself and followed my teachers’ perennial advice- never forget to analyze mocks properly.

Careers360: Did you follow any specific routine and study hours?

Utkarsh: My study hours could never be constant because of the shadow of boards and school commitments looming large upon me. However, I made it a point to devote some time to CLAT prep every day, irrespective of how little that time might be. Some days I could give just 15 minutes, while on my best days that increased to almost 6 hours- but there was hardly a day where I didn’t pay attention to CLAT at all.

Careers360: What are the subject-wise books you used for CLAT exam preparation? Any specific reason for selecting these books?

Utkarsh: I don’t think the material for the preparation of Legal, Maths and GK has changed even after the pattern change. For Legal, one still ought to go through the previous CLAT/AILET papers and train oneself to understand the kind of reasoning the examiner is looking for.

For Maths, revisiting 7th-10th class mathematics textbooks, however traumatic it may be, is essential, following which a tryst with RS Agarwal’s Quantitative Aptitudes should make the maths section a cakewalk.

Although I’d have suggested someone to only go through periodicals to ace in the GK section in CLAT last year, after looking at the 2021 paper and the volume of static GK asked in it, I would suggest aspirants to diversify their prep and even go through a few compendiums to enrich traditional general knowledge, because the only thing predictable about CLAT is its unpredictability.

I believe English and Logical are almost indistinguishable in the current CLAT format.

A fallout of the fact that the CLAT pattern change is so recent is that enough CLAT specific material is not available in the market. Even if material can be found, in most cases its accuracy is dubious. In such a scenario, one must widen one’s horizon and analyze what CLAT as an exam asks for- it needs skills in the verbal reasoning forum, and it is important to note that CLAT did not discover this format, it was merely adopted from other entrance tests like the GMAT and LSAT. One can find material including RCs from these exams from various sources like their official guides and websites like

Careers360: Tell us last month’s exam preparation tips?

Utkarsh: I know of people who have prepared for just two months before CLAT and done phenomenally well, so if you are insecure about the duration of your prep at any time, don’t be. Maintain a list of the top GK topics of the year and revise them as many times as you can before the exam. Above all, do not be distracted by other people trying techniques alien to you and stay in your comfort zone (only if it provides you satisfactory results). If you feel you lack depth in a topic, a month is enough time to master it, so do not be swayed by anxiety.

Careers360: Did you solve sample papers and take mock tests? What is the correct frequency for these exercises?

Utkarsh: Yes, CLAT is an exam which requires a waterproof strategy for attacking the paper, and devising such a strategy requires practice. I started giving mock tests right from my first month of prep, and tried to stick to a one-mock-per-week schedule. When boards got cancelled, I started giving 2-3 mocks per week, but soon realized that too many mocks instilled a sense of burnout in me, so I went back to giving one. Giving mocks constantly and analyzing them with your full concentration is key. When you encounter a question that you got wrong, it is important that instead of checking the solution straight away, you exercise your own brain and try to find the fallacy in the logic you employed while solving the question initially, and amend your line of reasoning yourself and then for verification check the solution provided by the examiner.

Careers360: Many students make a mess of their preparation in the law few days, as exam pressure reaches the pinnacle. How to handle this tricky phase?

Utkarsh: It is important to remember that anxiety in the last few days is a ubiquitous phenomenon. To be honest, if someone is not slightly anxious at the least, they do not care for the exam enough (of course, exceptions exist). So, do not give in to the anxiety, remember that you know your prep best and your mock scores are mostly not an accurate indication of what you might achieve on the final day. And don’t fret!

Careers360: How can one improve accuracy and speed?

Utkarsh: Accuracy during a mock is contingent upon your confidence and knowledge mostly, and that has to be built with practice. But that is not all. Your temperament during a mock, including your confidence, the environment around you, even whether you have had a good lunch or not- all of them are factors which play with your capacity to comprehend passages, and hence a well-rounded lifestyle is important. For speed, improving reading capabilities and practicing speed reading newspaper editorials would help. However, speed should never be sacrificed for accuracy, which was something I learnt very late during my prep, so please try to pay attention to that!

Careers360: Is there any particular order for attempting the CLAT question paper? How should one go about attempting the test?

Utkarsh: I wouldn’t say that a fixed formula for that exists. It depends on the person and their comfort, strength and weaknesses. My order was English-one Maths caselet-GK-one Maths caselet-Legal-one Maths caselet-Logical Reasoning. I found that continuously reading passages for a long time fatigued me, so I punctuated the reading-centric sections with breaks where I attempted maths questions. But really, it depends on the individual and what strategy they feel would be optimal for them.

Careers360: Did the prolonged delay and multiple postponements affect your exam preparation? How did you manage to stay on track?

Utkarsh: I was prepared for the worst from the beginning. When the second wave struck, I had mentally prepared myself that the exam might be postponed to September (as happened for our preceding batch) so it was a pleasant surprise when the Consortium decided to conduct the exam in July.

Careers360: Did you face any difficulty during the exam considering there were strict COVID-19 guidelines in place?

Utkarsh: This might be nitpicking, but wearing a mask while giving the test was an issue that I thought would be problematic, but in the end it really wasn’t. Most COVID guidelines were followed at my centre, so I didn’t have a problem with the same.

Careers360: Which law discipline do you want to study in your undergraduate?

Utkarsh: I wish to pursue a B.A. L.L.B. in my undergraduate to get a holistic view of the world through the lens of the liberal arts and the law.

Careers360: Also, do you have any NLU preferences?

Utkarsh: I always wanted to be a student at NLSIU Bangalore, and as luck would have it, I got in and I’m a student here now!

Careers360: Being a topper, many students would now look up to you. Do you have any message for these future law aspirants?

Utkarsh: I’ve thought long and hard about this question, and my advice would be based on the mistakes I made during my CLAT prep. It is always advisable to focus on one’s own strategies and prepare accordingly, but please don’t be afraid to learn more. If you come across a fact that you feel might not be important from the perspective of CLAT, do not ignore it. Maybe make a mental note of it, just in case. At the end of the day, once you exit your examination hall, you should have no regrets. You should trust your gut and learn to filter out some things that might not be relevant, but if there’s an off chance something might be framed as a passage and put in the question paper, it would be a good idea to go through it, if you have the time.

And yes, never forget that life is not all about CLAT and other exams, take a break, enjoy the best years of your life but keep preparing, and remember to have fun!

Also Read:

CLAT 2021 Topper Interview - Karthik J Lal, AIR 3

CLAT 2021 Topper Shwetha Ramachandran, AIR 4

CLAT 2021 Topper Shristy Chhaparia, AIR 57


Certifications By Top Providers

The Psychology of Criminal Justice
Via The University of Queensland, Brisbane
Roadmap for Patent Creation
Via Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
MPSE 001 India and World Politics Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century
Via Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Anthropology of Current World Issues
Via The University of Queensland, Brisbane
 155 courses
 128 courses
 74 courses
 52 courses
 29 courses

Questions related to CLAT

Have a question related to CLAT ?

Hello there,

With a CLAT 2025 rank of 30,491, getting a top NLUs is unlikely, but you may get admission in private law colleges or institutes affiliated with IP University (GGSIPU) if they accept CLAT scores.

Since you have already registered for IPU, keep an eye on counseling. As a backup, appearing for CUET is a good option if you want to pursue BA and later do LLB. For BA, choose subjects like Political Science, History, or Public Administration, which align well with LLB.

If law is your final goal, also check private law colleges like UPES, Jindal, Amity, or Christ University as additional options.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


Based on the previous year analysis, According to your CLAT 2025 Rank and category some of the best colleges in which you have good chances to get admission includes:

  • National Law University, Tripura
  • Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla
  • Dr B.R Ambedkar National Law University, Sonipat
  • Tamil Nadu National Law University
  • Maharastra National Law University

You can predict more colleges using CLAT college predictor tool .

Hope this information will help you

Hello Priyanshi,

You can definitely prepare for the CLAT exam with proper planning and strategy. Here’s how:

  1. Understand Syllabus – Focus on Legal Reasoning, English, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge, and Quantitative Techniques.
  2. Study Material – Use recommended books like Universal’s Guide to CLAT, and newspapers for GK.
  3. Mock Tests – Practice regularly with mock tests and previous years’ papers.
  4. Time Management – Create a daily study schedule and stick to it.
  5. Coaching/Online Resources – Join a coaching institute or use online courses for guidance.
  6. Stay Consistent – Revise regularly and practice question-solving techniques.

With dedication, you can succeed.

Best of luck !


Yes, you can get a job in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) through CLAT PG. Here are the key details:

  1. Recruitment Basis – Many PSUs consider CLAT PG (LL.M.) scores for legal positions.
  2. Popular PSUs – ONGC, GAIL, BHEL, Power Grid, IOCL, and others recruit legal professionals via CLAT PG.
  3. Eligibility – Candidates must have an LL.B. degree and appear for CLAT PG.
  4. Selection Process – Shortlisting is based on CLAT PG scores, followed by interviews.
  5. Job Roles – Positions include Legal Advisor, Law Officer, and Assistant Legal Counsel.
  6. Salary & Benefits – Competitive pay, job security, and government perks.

Hope you find it useful !


The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) has not yet released the official notification for CLAT 2026.

Eligibility Criteria for CLAT 2026 (5-Year LLB Program):

Educational Qualification : Candidates must have completed their 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized board.

Minimum Marks Required :

General/OBC/EWS Categories : At least 45% marks.

SC/ST/PwD Categories : At least 40% marks.

Age Limit : There is no upper age limit for appearing in CLAT.

Hope this gives you the clarity you need.

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Read the passage carefully and answer the question

The Contract should be performed by the promisor himself. However, in certain cases, it can also be performed by his agents or legal representatives. It all depends upon the intention of the parties. Normally a contract can be performed by the following persons. 

  1. Promisor himself: If from the nature of the contract it appears that it was the intention of the parties that the promise should be performed by the promisor himself, such promise must be performed by the promisor. This usually applies to contracts involving personal skill, task, or artwork. 
  2. Promisor or his Agent: Where the contract does not involve the personal skill of the promisor, the contract could be performed by the promisor himself or by any competent person employed by him for the purpose, 
  3. Legal Representatives: The contracts which do not involve any personal skill or taste, may be performed by his legal representative after the death of the promisor.
  4. Third Person: In some cases, a contract may be performed by a third person provided the promisee accepts the arrangement. According to Section 41 of the Indian Contract Act, once the promisee accepts the performance from a third person, he cannot compel the promisor to perform the contract again. 
  5. Performance of Joint Promises: According to section 42 of the Indian Contract Act, when two or more persons have made a joint promise, the joint promisors must fulfill the promise jointly during their lifetime. And if any one of them dies, then his legal representatives and survivors must jointly fulfill the promise. 

Section 43 of the Indian Contract Act further provides that unless a contrary intention appears from the contract, each joint promisor may compel every other joint promisor to contribute equally to the performance of the promise. If any joint promisor makes a default in such contribution, the remaining joint promisors must bear the loss arising from such default in equal shares.


Aman received a box of chocolates from Basant and promised to pay Rupees 5000. Later on, A becomes bankrupt. Chetan who is a friend of Aman pays rupees 1000 to Besant on behalf of Aman. Aman is not aware of such a transaction. In civil court, insolvency proceedings have started against Aman. Meanwhile, Basant has also applied for a recovery of 5000 rupees. Decide.

Option: 1

Basant is entitled to recover the amount of 5000 from Aman.

Option: 2

Basant is entitled to recover the amount of 4000 from Aman.

Option: 3

Chetan is entitled to recover the amount of 1000 from Basant.

Option: 4

Basant cannot recover any amount from Aman as he has become insolvent.

Read the passage carefully and answer the question

The Contract should be performed by the promisor himself. However, in certain cases, it can also be performed by his agents or legal representatives. It all depends upon the intention of the parties. Normally a contract can be performed by the following persons. 

  1. Promisor himself: If from the nature of the contract it appears that it was the intention of the parties that the promise should be performed by the promisor himself, such promise must be performed by the promisor. This usually applies to contracts involving personal skill, task, or artwork. 
  2. Promisor or his Agent: Where the contract does not involve the personal skill of the promisor, the contract could be performed by the promisor himself or by any competent person employed by him for the purpose, 
  3. Legal Representatives: The contracts which do not involve any personal skill or taste, may be performed by his legal representative after the death of the promisor.
  4. Third Person: In some cases, a contract may be performed by a third person provided the promisee accepts the arrangement. According to Section 41 of the Indian Contract Act, once the promisee accepts the performance from a third person, he cannot compel the promisor to perform the contract again. 
  5. Performance of Joint Promises: According to section 42 of the Indian Contract Act, when two or more persons have made a joint promise, the joint promisors must fulfill the promise jointly during their lifetime. And if any one of them dies, then his legal representatives and survivors must jointly fulfill the promise. 

Section 43 of the Indian Contract Act further provides that unless a contrary intention appears from the contract, each joint promisor may compel every other joint promisor to contribute equally to the performance of the promise. If any joint promisor makes a default in such contribution, the remaining joint promisors must bear the loss arising from such default in equal shares.


K promises to paint a picture for L on a certain day, at a certain price. K dies before the day of the contract. Decide. 

Option: 1

The contract can be enforced by K’s representative 

Option: 2

The contract can be enforced by L

Option: 3

The contract can be enforced either by K’s representation or by L 

Option: 4

The contract cannot be enforced either by K’s representative, or L

Read the passage carefully and answer the question

The Contract should be performed by the promisor himself. However, in certain cases, it can also be performed by his agents or legal representatives. It all depends upon the intention of the parties. Normally a contract can be performed by the following persons. 

  1. Promisor himself: If from the nature of the contract it appears that it was the intention of the parties that the promise should be performed by the promisor himself, such promise must be performed by the promisor. This usually applies to contracts involving personal skill, task, or artwork. 
  2. Promisor or his Agent: Where the contract does not involve the personal skill of the promisor, the contract could be performed by the promisor himself or by any competent person employed by him for the purpose, 
  3. Legal Representatives: The contracts which do not involve any personal skill or taste, may be performed by his legal representative after the death of the promisor.
  4. Third Person: In some cases, a contract may be performed by a third person provided the promisee accepts the arrangement. According to Section 41 of the Indian Contract Act, once the promisee accepts the performance from a third person, he cannot compel the promisor to perform the contract again. 
  5. Performance of Joint Promises: According to section 42 of the Indian Contract Act, when two or more persons have made a joint promise, the joint promisors must fulfill the promise jointly during their lifetime. And if any one of them dies, then his legal representatives and survivors must jointly fulfill the promise. 

Section 43 of the Indian Contract Act further provides that unless a contrary intention appears from the contract, each joint promisor may compel every other joint promisor to contribute equally to the performance of the promise. If any joint promisor makes a default in such contribution, the remaining joint promisors must bear the loss arising from such default in equal shares.


Rohan has agreed to manage the catering services during the marriage of Sohan’s son Ramu. On the day of marriage, Rohan felt ill and sent his manager to the management of catering services. Ramu happily gets married to Tina and people appreciated the food and decoration of the event. When Rohan asked Sohan for the remaining amount, he denied it because Rohan himself had not managed so it is a breach. Decide.


Option: 1

Rohan is not entitled to get the remaining amount due to a breach of contract.

Option: 2

Rohan is entitled to sue Sohan for the remaining amount.

Option: 3

Rohan is entitled to sue Ramu because it was his marriage.

Option: 4

Instead of Rohan, his manager can only sue Sohan for the breach.

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

Natural justice is another name for common sense justice rules of natural justice are not in codified form these principles are embedded or ingrained or inbuilt in the conscience of human beings. It supplies the omission made in codified law and helps in the administration of justice. Natural justice is not only confined to ‘fairness’ it will take many shades and colours based on the context. Thus natural justice apart from ‘fairness’ also implies reasonableness, equity and equality. They are neither cast in a rigid mould nor can they be put in a legal straitjacket. These principles written by nature in the heart of mankind, they are immutable, inviolable, and inalienable.

It is true that the concept of natural justice is not very clear and, therefore, it is not possible to define it; yet the principles of natural justice are accepted and enforced. In the case of Ridge V. Baldwin Court observed that “in modern times have sometimes been expressed to the effect that natural justice is as vague as to be practically meaningless. But I would regard these as tainted by the perennial fallacy that because something cannot be cut and dried or nicely weighed or measured therefore it does not exist”. The term natural justice signifies fundamental rules of judicial procedure and fair play in action. According to Lord Widgery “the principles of natural justice were those fundamental rules; the breach will prevent justice from being seen to be done”. Earliest expression of ‘natural justice’ could be found in the philosophical expression of Roman Jurist (jus natural) and signified rules and principles for the conduct of man which were independent of enacted law or customs and could be discovered by the rational intelligence of man and would grow out of and conform to his nature.

The rule against bias that surfaced in 1610 in Dr Bonham's Casewhere Chief Justice Coke went so far as to say that the Court could declare an Act of Parliament void if it made a man as judge in his own cause, or otherwise ‘against common right and reason’. This was one of his grounds for disallowing the claim of the College of Physicians to fine and imprison Doctor Bonham, a Doctor of Physics of Cambridge University, for practising in the city of London without the licence of College of Physicians. The statute under which the College acted provided that fines should go half to the King half to the College so that the College had a financial interest in its own judgement and was judged in its own cause.


X is a student of a college and his father Y is a professor in the same college. In one instance, X is caught to be involved in unparliamentary activities inside the college campus. The enquiry committee is set up and Y is appointed as the head of the committee. Decide.

Option: 1

Y is a professor of the same college hence he can become a member of the enquiry committee

Option: 2

Y is X’s father hence he should not be a part of the enquiry committee

Option: 3

Y can be a part of the enquiry committee but cannot be its head

Option: 4

There is no rule that prevents the appointment of Y until he fulfils his function diligently

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

Natural justice is another name for common sense justice rules of natural justice are not in codified form these principles are embedded or ingrained or inbuilt in the conscience of human beings. It supplies the omission made in codified law and helps in the administration of justice. Natural justice is not only confined to ‘fairness’ it will take many shades and colours based on the context. Thus natural justice apart from ‘fairness’ also implies reasonableness, equity and equality. They are neither cast in a rigid mould nor can they be put in a legal straitjacket. These principles written by nature in the heart of mankind, they are immutable, inviolable, and inalienable.

It is true that the concept of natural justice is not very clear and, therefore, it is not possible to define it; yet the principles of natural justice are accepted and enforced. In the case of Ridge V. Baldwin Court observed that “in modern times have sometimes been expressed to the effect that natural justice is as vague as to be practically meaningless. But I would regard these as tainted by the perennial fallacy that because something cannot be cut and dried or nicely weighed or measured therefore it does not exist”. The term natural justice signifies fundamental rules of judicial procedure and fair play in action. According to Lord Widgery “the principles of natural justice were those fundamental rules; the breach will prevent justice from being seen to be done”. Earliest expression of ‘natural justice’ could be found in the philosophical expression of Roman Jurist (jus natural) and signified rules and principles for the conduct of man which were independent of enacted law or customs and could be discovered by the rational intelligence of man and would grow out of and conform to his nature.

The rule against bias that surfaced in 1610 in Dr Bonham's Casewhere Chief Justice Coke went so far as to say that the Court could declare an Act of Parliament void if it made a man as judge in his own cause, or otherwise ‘against common right and reason’. This was one of his grounds for disallowing the claim of the College of Physicians to fine and imprison Doctor Bonham, a Doctor of Physics of Cambridge University, for practising in the city of London without the licence of College of Physicians. The statute under which the College acted provided that fines should go half to the King half to the College so that the College had a financial interest in its own judgement and was judged in its own cause.


Mr X is an employee of a corporate office. His wife Y is a judge. In one instance, X is found to be involved in a money laundering case at his office. The office now files a suit and Y is appointed as the judge for this case. Decide.

Option: 1

Y is a judge by herself, hence can be appointed to adjudicate this case

Option: 2

Y is can be appointed as a judge only if she fulfils her responsibilities without any bias

Option: 3

Y can adjudicate the case and if the company finds the penalty to be insufficient then they can appeal against it

Option: 4

Y cannot be the judge in this case ab initio

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

Natural justice is another name for common sense justice rules of natural justice are not in codified form these principles are embedded or ingrained or inbuilt in the conscience of human beings. It supplies the omission made in codified law and helps in the administration of justice. Natural justice is not only confined to ‘fairness’ it will take many shades and colours based on the context. Thus natural justice apart from ‘fairness’ also implies reasonableness, equity and equality. They are neither cast in a rigid mould nor can they be put in a legal straitjacket. These principles written by nature in the heart of mankind, they are immutable, inviolable, and inalienable.

It is true that the concept of natural justice is not very clear and, therefore, it is not possible to define it; yet the principles of natural justice are accepted and enforced. In the case of Ridge V. Baldwin Court observed that “in modern times have sometimes been expressed to the effect that natural justice is as vague as to be practically meaningless. But I would regard these as tainted by the perennial fallacy that because something cannot be cut and dried or nicely weighed or measured therefore it does not exist”. The term natural justice signifies fundamental rules of judicial procedure and fair play in action. According to Lord Widgery “the principles of natural justice were those fundamental rules; the breach will prevent justice from being seen to be done”. Earliest expression of ‘natural justice’ could be found in the philosophical expression of Roman Jurist (jus natural) and signified rules and principles for the conduct of man which were independent of enacted law or customs and could be discovered by the rational intelligence of man and would grow out of and conform to his nature.

The rule against bias that surfaced in 1610 in Dr Bonham's Casewhere Chief Justice Coke went so far as to say that the Court could declare an Act of Parliament void if it made a man as judge in his own cause, or otherwise ‘against common right and reason’. This was one of his grounds for disallowing the claim of the College of Physicians to fine and imprison Doctor Bonham, a Doctor of Physics of Cambridge University, for practising in the city of London without the licence of College of Physicians. The statute under which the College acted provided that fines should go half to the King half to the College so that the College had a financial interest in its own judgement and was judged in its own cause.


X was a renowned cricketer in the 1980s. His son Y is a struggling cricketer who has been trying to get into the national team for many years. In the year 2020, X is appointed as a member of the selection committee. In the match which is supposed to decide the final team of the nation, Y scores a century and Z scores 65 runs. However, Z is selected to represent India and Y is not. Y now appeals against the decision, the main ground being the presence of X in the committee. Decide.

Option: 1

The appeal will stand as Y scored a century yet Z was selected after scoring 65 runs

Option: 2

The appeal will be quashed since X’s presence should have benefitted Y, but it didn’t, hence the rejection of Y is valid

Option: 3

The appeal will stand as X’s presence is a factor of bias

Option: 4

The appeal will be quashed since X was a renowned cricketer

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

Natural justice is another name for common sense justice rules of natural justice are not in codified form these principles are embedded or ingrained or inbuilt in the conscience of human beings. It supplies the omission made in codified law and helps in the administration of justice. Natural justice is not only confined to ‘fairness’ it will take many shades and colours based on the context. Thus natural justice apart from ‘fairness’ also implies reasonableness, equity and equality. They are neither cast in a rigid mould nor can they be put in a legal straitjacket. These principles written by nature in the heart of mankind, they are immutable, inviolable, and inalienable.

It is true that the concept of natural justice is not very clear and, therefore, it is not possible to define it; yet the principles of natural justice are accepted and enforced. In the case of Ridge V. Baldwin Court observed that “in modern times have sometimes been expressed to the effect that natural justice is as vague as to be practically meaningless. But I would regard these as tainted by the perennial fallacy that because something cannot be cut and dried or nicely weighed or measured therefore it does not exist”. The term natural justice signifies fundamental rules of judicial procedure and fair play in action. According to Lord Widgery “the principles of natural justice were those fundamental rules; the breach will prevent justice from being seen to be done”. Earliest expression of ‘natural justice’ could be found in the philosophical expression of Roman Jurist (jus natural) and signified rules and principles for the conduct of man which were independent of enacted law or customs and could be discovered by the rational intelligence of man and would grow out of and conform to his nature.

The rule against bias that surfaced in 1610 in Dr Bonham's Casewhere Chief Justice Coke went so far as to say that the Court could declare an Act of Parliament void if it made a man as judge in his own cause, or otherwise ‘against common right and reason’. This was one of his grounds for disallowing the claim of the College of Physicians to fine and imprison Doctor Bonham, a Doctor of Physics of Cambridge University, for practising in the city of London without the licence of College of Physicians. The statute under which the College acted provided that fines should go half to the King half to the College so that the College had a financial interest in its own judgement and was judged in its own cause.


X is a married judge who is well known for his honesty in the entire city. He has a son Y. One fine day Y gets kidnapped and the kidnapper demands a sum of 20 lakhs from X. However, the kidnapper is caught by the police. X is now appointed as the judge for the hearing of the kidnapper. Decide.

Option: 1

X can be the judge since he can decide the punishment better as he was the sufferer

Option: 2

X cannot be the judge since there is a possibility that he will be biased while delivering the judgement

Option: 3

X can be the judge since he is renowned for his honesty and fulfil his duties

Option: 4

X can be the judge but his statement can be appealed against if delivered with bias

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

Natural justice is another name for common sense justice rules of natural justice are not in codified form these principles are embedded or ingrained or inbuilt in the conscience of human beings. It supplies the omission made in codified law and helps in the administration of justice. Natural justice is not only confined to ‘fairness’ it will take many shades and colours based on the context. Thus natural justice apart from ‘fairness’ also implies reasonableness, equity and equality. They are neither cast in a rigid mould nor can they be put in a legal straitjacket. These principles written by nature in the heart of mankind, they are immutable, inviolable, and inalienable.

It is true that the concept of natural justice is not very clear and, therefore, it is not possible to define it; yet the principles of natural justice are accepted and enforced. In the case of Ridge V. Baldwin Court observed that “in modern times have sometimes been expressed to the effect that natural justice is as vague as to be practically meaningless. But I would regard these as tainted by the perennial fallacy that because something cannot be cut and dried or nicely weighed or measured therefore it does not exist”. The term natural justice signifies fundamental rules of judicial procedure and fair play in action. According to Lord Widgery “the principles of natural justice were those fundamental rules; the breach will prevent justice from being seen to be done”. Earliest expression of ‘natural justice’ could be found in the philosophical expression of Roman Jurist (jus natural) and signified rules and principles for the conduct of man which were independent of enacted law or customs and could be discovered by the rational intelligence of man and would grow out of and conform to his nature.

The rule against bias that surfaced in 1610 in Dr Bonham's Casewhere Chief Justice Coke went so far as to say that the Court could declare an Act of Parliament void if it made a man as judge in his own cause, or otherwise ‘against common right and reason’. This was one of his grounds for disallowing the claim of the College of Physicians to fine and imprison Doctor Bonham, a Doctor of Physics of Cambridge University, for practising in the city of London without the licence of College of Physicians. The statute under which the College acted provided that fines should go half to the King half to the College so that the College had a financial interest in its own judgement and was judged in its own cause.


X and Y have been married for five years. X is a judge and Y is a doctor. X is pretty much unhappy with his married life so he wants to divorce Y. Y refuses to agree to a divorce by mutual consent hence X files a suit against Y. Decide.

Option: 1

X cannot file a suit since he is a judge

Option: 2

X can file a suit against Y in legal capacity but not as a judge

Option: 3

X cannot file a divorce suit against Y since there is no valid ground for divorce

Option: 4

X can proceed with mutual consent but not contested divorce

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

In the case of M/S Halonex Limited, 59-A Noida vs State of U.P., it was held that “In reply to the aforesaid submission, learned counsel for opposite party no.2 submitted that the case of the applicants that no amount is due from their side to the complainant is a matter of defence which cannot be considered at this stage. It has been submitted that the term 'entrustment' as used in Section 405 IPC has been given a wider interpretation. It has been submitted that the goods returned by the complainant to the Company for replacement or for reimbursement would be deemed to have been entrusted to the Company and as the applicants 2 & 3 were handling its affair they become responsible. To buttress the said submission, the learned counsel for the complainant drew the attention of the Court to a decision of the Apex Court in the case of Ram Narayan Popli Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation: (2003) 3 SCC 641, wherein it was observed that: "the term "entrustment" is not necessarily a term of law. It may have different implications in different contexts. In its most general signification all it imports is the handing over possession for some purpose which may not imply the conferring of any proprietary right at all." Attention was also drawn to an observation made in the judgment of the aforesaid case, where it was observed that: "to establish the charge of criminal breach of trust, the prosecution is not obliged to prove the precise mode of conversion, misappropriation or misapplication by the accused of the property entrusted to him or over which he has dominion. The principal ingredient of the offence being dishonest misappropriation or conversion which may not ordinarily be a matter of direct proof, entrustment of property and failure in breach of an obligation to account for the property entrusted if proved, may, in the light of other circumstances, justifiably lead to an inference of dishonest misappropriation or conversion”.


X tracks down an expensive necklace on the road. Not knowing to whom it belongs. X sells it promptly to a jeweller without attempting to find the owner or submitting the necklace to the authorities. Decide the liability of X.

Option: 1


Option: 2

Criminal breach of trust

Option: 3


Option: 4

Criminal misappropriation of Property

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

In the case of M/S Halonex Limited, 59-A Noida vs State of U.P., it was held that “In reply to the aforesaid submission, learned counsel for opposite party no.2 submitted that the case of the applicants that no amount is due from their side to the complainant is a matter of defence which cannot be considered at this stage. It has been submitted that the term 'entrustment' as used in Section 405 IPC has been given a wider interpretation. It has been submitted that the goods returned by the complainant to the Company for replacement or for reimbursement would be deemed to have been entrusted to the Company and as the applicants 2 & 3 were handling its affair they become responsible. To buttress the said submission, the learned counsel for the complainant drew the attention of the Court to a decision of the Apex Court in the case of Ram Narayan Popli Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation: (2003) 3 SCC 641, wherein it was observed that: "the term "entrustment" is not necessarily a term of law. It may have different implications in different contexts. In its most general signification all it imports is the handing over possession for some purpose which may not imply the conferring of any proprietary right at all." Attention was also drawn to an observation made in the judgment of the aforesaid case, where it was observed that: "to establish the charge of criminal breach of trust, the prosecution is not obliged to prove the precise mode of conversion, misappropriation or misapplication by the accused of the property entrusted to him or over which he has dominion. The principal ingredient of the offence being dishonest misappropriation or conversion which may not ordinarily be a matter of direct proof, entrustment of property and failure in breach of an obligation to account for the property entrusted if proved, may, in the light of other circumstances, justifiably lead to an inference of dishonest misappropriation or conversion”.


P borrows from L his phone for using it to call his parents. However, when L is distracted, P removes the memory card of the phone and later on sells it. Decide the liability of P.

Option: 1

P is guilty under dishonest misappropriation of property


Option: 2

P is not guilty for any offence since the phone was given with consent

Option: 3

P is guilty for theft

Option: 4

P has been handed over the phone, so he has the right to use it as he likes


A lawyer is a professional who practises law. An Individual in the lawyer career path defends his or her client's cases and makes arguments on his or her behalf in both criminal and civil proceedings. A lawyer may advise and assist clients on how they should handle their legal issues. An individual as a career in law in India is considered one of the most sought-after careers.

A lawyer's job requires inhibiting skills. It involves practical applications of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specialised individual problems or to facilitate the interests of those who hire a lawyer to perform legal services. Here, in this article, we will discuss how to become a lawyer after 10th, is lawyer a good career in India, and how to become a lawyer in India.

4 Jobs Available
Civil Lawyer

Are you searching for a civil lawyer job description? A civil lawyer is a law professional who deals with disputes that come under civil law. Civil law is applicable to issues related t property and business disputes, family disputes, and torts. A tort can be defined as a civil wrong that causes the other person harm or injury. A Civil lawyer handles disputes regarding personal injury, family relationships, real estate, and employment. A career as a civil lawyer requires working with government entities and business institutions. 

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Human Rights Lawyer

Individuals in the human rights lawyer career path are legal professionals responsible for advocating for people whose inherent dignity has been violated and who have suffered a lot of injustice. They take cases to defend the human rights of minorities, vulnerable populations, the LGBTQI community, indigenous people and others. 

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Criminal Lawyer

A criminal lawyer is a lawyer who specialises in the field of crimes and punishments. Individuals who have been accused of committing a crime are guided by a criminal lawyer. Bail bond hearings, plea bargains, trials, dismissal hearings, appeals, and post-conviction procedures are all part of his or her work. Criminal law is the body of law that describes criminal acts, governs the arrest, prosecution, and trial of offenders, and defines the sentences and correctional options that are available to criminals.

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Family Lawyer

Family lawyers are required to assist a client in resolving any family-related problem. In general, family lawyers operate as mediators between family members when conflicts arise. Individuals who opt for a career as Family Lawyer is charged with drafting prenuptial agreements to protect someone's financial interests prior to marriage, consulting on grounds for impeachment or civil union separation, and drafting separation agreements.

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Cyber Lawyer

Cyber law careers deal with cyber law job opportunities concerning cybercrimes of all aspects such as cyberbullying, cyber frauds, cyber stalking, sharing personal information without consent, intellectual property and intellectual property, transactions, and freedom of speech.

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Immigration Lawyer

An immigration lawyer is responsible for representing the individuals (clients) involved in the immigration process that includes legal, and illegal citizens and refugees who want to reside in the country, start a business or get employment. 

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Government Lawyer

A career as Government Lawyer is a professional who deals with law and requires to work for the government. He or she is required to work for either the state government or central government and is also known as Advocate General of the state and attorney general. A career as Government Lawyer requires one to work on behalf of government ministers and administrative staff. He or she gives legal advice and provides legal services in the public interest.

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