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Idioms and Phrases For CLAT 2025

Idioms and Phrases For CLAT 2025

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 21, 2024 04:34 PM IST | #CLAT

Idioms and phrases use words in a nonliteral way and are examples of figurative language. They can be utilised to inject colour and intrigue into your work or speech and are frequently used to convey a specific idea or sentiment.
For a comprehensive preparation strategy tailored to CLAT 2025, begin by curating a collection of essential idioms and phrases for CLAT. Prepare idioms and phrases for CLAT PDF that offer structured insights to complement your study efforts. Consistent practice using these idioms and phrases, both within exercises and mock tests, will solidify your comprehension. By focusing on this targeted approach, you'll bolster your familiarity with idiomatic expressions, paving the way for a successful performance in the CLAT entrance exam.

What's the use?

Use idioms and phrases to give your work or speaking more flavour and appeal. However, because they might have diverse connotations in different cultures, it's crucial to utilise them wisely. It is usually preferable to look up an idiom or phrase in a dictionary if you are unsure of its meaning.

What do you understand by the term idioms and phrases?

Idioms are collections of words that together have a metaphorical meaning distinct from their literal meaning. For instance, the phrase "kick the bucket" refers to death even if the terms "kick" and "bucket" themselves do not convey that connotation.

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Phrases: Although phrases are likewise collections of words, they do not carry figurative significance. For instance, the sentence "the cat sat on the mat" is literal and means nothing else.

  • "The early bird gets the worm." (People who get up early have an advantage over those who don't.)
  • "A picture is worth a thousand words." (A visual representation of something can be more effective than a long explanation.)
  • "Actions speak louder than words." (What people do is more important than what they say.)

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Importance of Idioms and Phrases in CLAT 2025

The English Language part is worth 20% of the CLAT marks, so it's super important. One key aspect of the English section is Idioms and Phrases. Knowing these well can give you an advantage over other law students. Idioms and Phrases make writing more interesting and attractive to readers and hence, idioms and phrases for CLAT become one of the most important topics in the English language section.

Few Common Idioms and Phrases for CLAT 2025

Here are the most important and common idioms in English, with their meanings and examples.

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

It's better to have something you know you can get than to risk not getting something better.

Example: I know this job doesn't pay much, but it's a good opportunity and I'm not going to give it up just because I might get a better offer elsewhere. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2. A penny for your thoughts.

I'm curious about what you're thinking.

Example: I was just sitting here, staring at the wall, and I wondered what you were thinking. A penny for your thoughts.

3. A picture is worth a thousand words.

A visual representation of something can be more effective than a long explanation.

Example: I don't really understand what you're trying to say, but I think I'll get it if you draw me a picture. A picture is worth a thousand words.

4.Actions speak louder than words.

What people do is more important than what they say.

Example: I know you say you're sorry, but I need to see you make some changes in your behaviour before I can believe you. Actions speak louder than words.

5. All good things must come to an end.

Nothing lasts forever.

Example: I know we're having a great time, but all good things must come to an end. We'll have to say goodbye eventually.

6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Healthy foods can help you stay healthy.

Example: I've been eating an apple a day for the past month, and I haven't been sick once. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

7.Barking up the wrong tree.

You're looking in the wrong place for something.

Example: I've been trying to find my keys all day, but I'm barking up the wrong tree. They're probably in my pocket.

8. Beggars can't be choosers.

If you don't have much, you can't be picky about what you get.

Example: I know this apartment is small and the rent is high, but beggars can't be choosers. I'm lucky to have a place to live.

9. Bite the bullet.

Do something that you don't want to do, but know that you have to do.

Example: I know I have to give a presentation in front of the whole company, but I'm really nervous. I just have to bite the bullet and do it.

10. Boiling mad.

Very angry.

Example: I was boiling mad when I found out that my car had been stolen.

11. Break a leg.

Good luck.

Example: Good luck on your big audition! Break a leg!

12. Bring home the bacon.

Earn money to support your family.

Example: My husband is the one who brings home the bacon in our family.

13. Burn the midnight oil.

Work late into the night.

Example: I've been burning the midnight oil trying to finish this project.

14. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

You can't have or do two mutually exclusive things.

Example: I want to lose weight, but I also want to eat cake. I can't have my cake and eat it too.

15. Come hell or high water.

No matter what happens.

Example: I'm going to the party, come hell or high water.

16. Cut your losses.

Accept that you've lost something and move on.

Example: I've lost a lot of money on this investment, but I think it's time to cut my losses and move on.

17. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Don't celebrate success before it's actually happened.

Example: I'm really excited about the new job, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch. I need to make sure I get the offer first.

18. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Don't risk everything on one thing.

Example: I'm not going to put all my eggs in one basket. I'm going to apply for multiple jobs just in case.

19. Easy come, easy go.

Money or other things that are easily earned are also easily lost.

20. Once in a blue moon

Very rarely.

Example: He only comes to visit us once in a blue moon.

Some Rare Idioms and Phrases for CLAT 2025

Listed below are some rare idioms and phrases for CLAT 2025 that might help students in their preparation.

1. To be in seventh heaven.

This idiom means to be very happy or content. It is thought to have originated in the Bible, where the seventh heaven is the highest heaven and the dwelling place of God.

2. To have a screw loose.

This idiom means to be crazy or eccentric. It is thought to have originated in the 18th century, when people believed that mental illness was caused by screws loose in the brain.

3. To be up a gum tree.

This idiom means to be in a difficult or confusing situation. It is thought to have originated in Australia, where gum trees are tall and difficult to climb.

4. To have a bee in one's bonnet.

This idiom means to be obsessed with something. It is thought to have originated in the 19th century, when people believed that bees were attracted to madness.

5. To be pulling someone's leg.

This idiom means to be teasing or joking with someone. It is thought to have originated in the 18th century, when people would pull the legs of animals to make them dance.

6. To be in a pickle.

This idiom means to be in a complicated situation.

7. To be between a rock and a hard place.

This idiom means to be in a situation where there is no good option.

8. To be on the horns of a dilemma.

This idiom means to be in a difficult situation with two equally bad choices.

9. To be up the creek without a paddle.

This idiom means to be in a hopeless situation.

10. A fly in the ointment

This idiom means a small but irritating flaw that spoils the whole.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Why are idioms and phrases important in the CLAT exam?

Idioms and phrases showcase your language proficiency and comprehension skills, which are crucial for the CLAT exam's verbal ability section. They test your understanding of figurative language and contextual usage.

2. Is it necessary to understand the literal meaning of each idiom?

While understanding the literal meaning can provide context, the key is to grasp the figurative meaning and usage. Focus on how the idiom is commonly used rather than its literal translation.

3. Can practising idioms and phrases improve my overall language skills?

Yes, practising idioms and phrases enhances your vocabulary, comprehension of figurative language, and contextual application. These skills extend beyond the CLAT exam and are valuable in various aspects of communication.

4. Are there any specific idioms that frequently appear in CLAT exams?

While specific idioms may vary, it's advisable to focus on a broad range of idiomatic expressions. Prioritise those commonly used in formal communication and legal contexts.

Well here are some examples of commonly used idiomatic expressions that could be beneficial for your preparation:

  • Cut to the chase: Get to the main point without unnecessary details.

  • Hit the nail on the head: Accurately identify or describe a situation.

  • In hot water: In trouble or facing difficulties.

  • Jumping on the bandwagon: Joining a popular trend or activity.

  • On thin ice: In a risky or uncertain situation.

  • Piece of cake: Something very easy to do.

  • Spill the beans: Reveal a secret or information.

Under the weather: Feeling sick or unwell.

5. Can I rely solely on memorization for idioms and phrases preparation?

Memorization is a starting point, but practical application and understanding are essential. Use idioms in sentences, engage in conversations, and solve context-based exercises to ensure a deeper grasp.

6. How can I track my progress in learning idioms and phrases for CLAT?

Keep a record of the idioms you've learned and periodically review them. Monitor your performance in practice tests and note improvements in correctly identifying and using idioms.


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Questions related to CLAT

Have a question related to CLAT ?

Hello aspirant,

On its official website, the Consortium of NLUs will release CLAT sample papers 2025. By accessing the official website,, and logging in with their user credentials, candidates can obtain the CLAT 2025 sample papers. One other learning tool that Careers360 has produced for candidates is a free PDF with 10 practice tests for the CLAT.

To get sample question papers, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


Students who are giving the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) in 2025 would typically get into college in the same year.

The process usually involves taking the exam, receiving results, participating in counseling or admissions processes, and then starting classes at the chosen law school. Therefore, students taking CLAT in 2025 would likely start their college education in the academic year starting in 2025 or 2026, depending on the specific timelines and admission procedures of the law schools they apply to.

Hope it helps you!

Greeting Student,

To prepare for current affairs for CLAT you can read daily newspapers like The Hindu, Hindustan Times and Indian Express. You can prefer apps like gk Today and Career Cloud. The LAw EX magazine. There are some examples of current affairs and tips to refer to for current affairs.

Thank You.

Hello Yashita,

Since you're in Class 11 and aiming for CLAT UG 2026, you have a good amount of time to develop a strong foundation for the exam. Here are some tips to help you prepare for CLAT UG 2026 alongside your Class 11 studies:

Develop a Study Plan:

  • Balance: Create a balanced study plan that allocates time for both CLAT preparation and Class 11 subjects. Start with smaller chunks of dedicated CLAT study time and gradually increase as you get closer to the exam.

  • Consistency: Consistency is key.  Even 30-45 minutes of focused CLAT preparation daily can be more effective than sporadic cramming sessions.

Focus on Building Core Skills:

  • Reading Comprehension: Make reading a habit. Read newspapers, magazines, and articles from reliable sources. Practice comprehending complex passages and identifying key information.

  • Analytical & Logical Reasoning: Solve puzzles, play logic games (Sudoku, chess), and attempt practice questions to sharpen your analytical and logical thinking skills.

  • Vocabulary Building: Actively improve your vocabulary by learning new words daily. Use flashcards, mnemonics, or online resources to aid memorization.
  • Legal Awareness: Start familiarizing yourself with basic legal concepts and legal terminology. You can find introductory legal resources online or in libraries.

Utilize Resources:

  • NCERT Textbooks: While not specifically designed for CLAT, NCERT textbooks, particularly for English and Social Sciences, can strengthen your foundational knowledge in these areas.

  • CLAT Preparation Books: Purchase well-regarded CLAT preparation books to access practice questions, mock tests, and explanations for different CLAT sections.
  • Online Resources: Utilize free and paid online resources like practice tests, video lectures, and study materials for focused preparation.

    I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

    Thank you and wishing you all the best for your CLAT preparation.

Hy aspirant,

Yes, you can definitely prepare for the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) exams through self-study.

Here are some book recommendations and tips that may help you :-

  • Legal Aptitude for the CLAT and LLB Examinations by AP Bhardwaj.
  • Objective General Knowledge" by Lucent Publication.
  • Wren & Martin High School English Grammar and Composition.

Stay updated with current events, especially those related to legal and constitutional matters.

Read newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express, and magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan for current affairs.

Participate in online forums and discussion groups for CLAT aspirants to clarify doubts and exchange study tips.

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Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


125 toffees cost Rs. 75, Find the cost of one million toffees if there is a discount of 40% on the selling price for this quantity.


Option: 1


Option: 2

Rs. 3,20,000

Option: 3


Option: 4


14. Find the present value (in Rs.) of Rs.3000 due after 5 years at 10% p.a. simple interest.

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


24. Raju took a loan at 8% per annum simple interest for a period of 5 years. At the end of five years he paid Rs.10640 to clear his loan. How much loan did he take?

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


'A' carelessly left an iron pole across a public road 300 m from that spot was a traffic signal indicating speed limit to be 20 kmph. B, riding a scooter at 80 kmph, noticed the protrusion from a distance, but still could not avoid it, collided with the pole and was injured. In an action by B against A.

Option: 1

B will lose as he was driving very fast

Option: 2

B will lose for some other reasons

Option: 3

B will succeed, because A was careless

Option: 4

B will succeed, because A could have avoided the mishap by putting up a warning

'A' was having a get together with his old friends and on his friend's suggestions, he consumed some alcohol. On his way back to home at night, 'A' heard some footsteps and turning back, he imagined he saw a figure moving towards him with a spear. In fact, it was only a man, 'B' with an umbrella, who was telling 'A' to walk carefully since 'A' appeared to be unsteady. However, 'A' proceeded to attack 'B' with an iron rod leading to grave injuries to 'B'. Is 'A' guilty of causing grievous hurt to 'B'?

Option: 1

No, 'A' is not guilty because in his intoxicated state, the umbrella appeared a spear to him and he exercised his right of private defence.

Option: 2

No, 'A' is not guilty because 'B' could have attacked 'A' with his umbrella

Option: 3

No, 'A' is not guilty because he was intoxicated on the suggestions of his friends and was incapable of knowing that he was savagely attacking a man, who was carrying only an umbrella

Option: 4

Yes, 'A' is guilty because he got intoxicated voluntarily and under the effect of this voluntary intoxication, he attacked and caused grievous injuries to 'B' who posed no threat to him in fart

'A"s cattle was being regularly stolen and 'A' was unable to apprehend the thief. One night, 'A' finally manages to catch 'B' untying his cow from the cowshed under the cover of darkness. 'A' slowly crept up to 'B' and slashed his neck with a sickle leading to the death of 'B' Is 'A' guilty of the offence of culpable homicide?

Option: 1

No, 'A' was only exercising his right of private defence of property

Option: 2

No, 'B' continued stealing of his cattle would have rendered his business inoperable

Option: 3

Yes, 'A' had no reasonable apprehension that 'A' could suffer any grievous hurt if he did not kill 'B'

Option: 4

Yes, 'A' should have first challenged 'B' to surrender before taking any steps to cause 'B's death

A, a 15 year old girl, having been rebuked by her mother leaves her house. At railway station she met the accused who takes her to his house. He provides her clothes, money and ornaments at his house and has sexual intercourse with the girl with her consent. What offence has been committed?

Option: 1

The mother is accused of maltreatment.

Option: 2

The accused is guilty of rape.  

Option: 3

The accused is not guilty.

Option: 4

None of the above.

A, a 15 year old girl, left her mother’s house and joined the accused because her mother has turned down the proposal of her marriage with the accused on the ground that she was too young. While she was with the accused he had sexual intercourse with her against her will. What offence has been committed?

Option: 1 None

Option: 2 None

Option: 3 None

Option: 4 None

A, a chain snatcher, forcibly pulled the ear rings from the ears of an old lady. Both the ear lobes were torn and the old lady suffered pain and suffering for over three weeks. For what offence can A be prosecuted? What offence have been committed?

Option: 1

He is guilty of theft.

Option: 2

A is guilty of voluntarily causing ‘grievous hurt’.

Option: 3

He is guilty of rash and negligent.

Option: 4

None of the above.

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