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CLAT Scope in Future - Placements, Salary, Career Opportunities

CLAT Scope in Future - Placements, Salary, Career Opportunities

Edited By Marar Sumeet Sudarshan | Updated on Jun 24, 2024 12:19 PM IST | #CLAT

Rising interest in law as a career among students directly translates to immense CLAT scope in future. This is because the Common Law Admission Test is one of the top law entrance exams in India and the gateway to elite law schools such as NLSIU Bengaluru and NALSAR Hyderabad, among others. CLAT scope in India can be gauged by the number of candidates appearing for the exam, and also the placement figures of top NLUs. While a graduation in law in itself opens many career opportunities, obtaining a law degree from one of the top NLUs makes CLAT a good career option that provides the initial thrust for a great future ahead

At present 24 NLUs are participating in CLAT with over 3200+ and 1350+ CLAT seats on offer in 5-year LLB and LLM programmes respectively. Read on to gain insights on CLAT scope in the future, and whether CLAT is a good career option to go for.

CLAT Exam Scope: Exam Statistics

Given below are some figures on the CLAT seats on offer and the number of candidates appearing for CLAT over the last few years. The statistics show, an increasing number of students appearing for the exam, and also an increase in the number of seats. The rising numbers point to a good scope for CLAT in India. Last year close to 60000 candidates appeared for CLAT UG and over 10000 appeared for CLAT PG. The analysis of success rate in CLAT shows the success rate is around 5% in UG and 13% in CLAT PG when we compare the candidates with the available seats. This makes CLAT one of the most difficult and sought-after law entrance exams in India.

CLAT Exam Statistics





Candidates appeared

58504 (UG)

10282 (PG)

42,766 (UG)

8,703 (PG)


53,532 (UG)

8,574 (PG)


3,200+ (UG)

1,300+ (PG)

2860+ (UG)

1160+ (PG)

2801 (UG)

1072 (PG)

2622 (UG)

808 (PG)

CLAT NLUs Rankings in India

As per the data from the HRD ministry, 10 NLUs that accept CLAT find a place in the NIRF law rankings 2023 among the top 30 law schools in the country. The high rankings of NLUs again reflect the importance of CLAT in the legal education landscape in India. The rankings are given in the table below.

CLAT NLUs NIRF Rankings 2023

CLAT Scope in Future: NLUs Placements

Top NLUs regularly see visits by top companies and legal firms during their placement season. Given below are median salary figures for the top-ranked NLUs for UG and PG law programmes.

CLAT NLUs Placement Salary Data

NLU Name

Median Salary (UG) (in Rs.)Median Salary (PG) (in Rs.)

NLSIU Bengaluru

16 lakhs p.a.

8.25 lakhs p.a

NALSAR Hyderabad

16 lakhs p.a.

7 lakhs p.a.

WBNUJS Kolkata

16 lakhs p.a.

10 lakhs p.a.

GNLU Gandhinagar

15.40 lakhs p.a.

4.20 lakhs p.a.

NLIU Bhopal

18 lakhs p.a.

6 lakhs p.a

RGNUL Patiala

8.40 lakhs p.a.

6 lakhs p.a.

RMLNLU Lucknow

6.50 lakhs p.a.

5.50 lakhs p.a.

NUSRL Ranchi

10.07 lakhs p.a.

6 lakhs p.a.




NLUO Cuttack

9 lakhs p.a.

6 lakhs p.a.

CLAT Scope and Career Opportunities

A law degree from a top law school can open up many career opportunities which makes CLAT a good career option. Let’s understand the CLAT exam scope by looking at the job profiles available to students.

  • Legal Associate: Many top law firms recruit students from NLUs to be part of their legal team on attractive salaries. These law firms have some top names as their clients and students get the opportunity to work on their cases.

  • PSU Recruitments through CLAT: Many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) also hire employees through the CLAT exam. The PSU recruitments through CLAT often see companies such as Power Grid Corporation, and National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) among others recruit law officers through scores obtained in CLAT.

  • Corporate Lawyer: Other than law firms, top corporations and banks also have a legal team that supervises the company’s activities and regulatory compliance. Such lawyers working with companies are often referred to as corporate lawyers. They can work either as in-house corporate lawyers or as consultants.

  • Independent Practice: Many lawyers also choose to do independent practice. They fight cases on behalf of their clients in court. Such lawyers who represent clients in courts are known as advocates. To become an advocate in India, a law graduate has to clear the All India Bar Examination and obtain a Certificate of Practice (CoP)

  • Academics: Law students can also choose to pursue higher education such as PhD and enter the exciting field of academics where they teach budding lawyers and advocates at law school. Often this requires the students to have completed an LLM and possess other relevant qualifications.

  • Social Activism: Lawyers can also take up social activism or become part of an NGO to be associated with a social cause. Lawyers can fight for social rights by filing PIL or RTI queries to maintain accountability among public authorities.

UPES Integrated LLB Admissions 2024

Ranked #21 amongst Institutions in India by NIRF | Ranked #9 in India by QS University Rankings 2023

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You may also check:

CLAT English Language Question Paper (2020-2024)
Enhance your preparation to crack the CLAT upcoming exam with the CLAT English Language section previous year's question papers (2020-2024) with In-depth solutions.
Download EBook

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Can I get a job after CLAT?

Yes, you can get a job after CLAT as there are PSU recruitments conducted through the CLAT exam for the post of law officers.

2. What is the salary at top NLUs?

The median salary offered at top NLUs is often in the range of Rs 8-16 lakhs p.a.

3. What is the scope of CLAT career?

CLAT offers scope for a good career as students can gain admission into top law schools and later get placed in top law firms.


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Questions related to CLAT

Have a question related to CLAT ?

Hello aspirant,

Yes, you can definitely give clat exam in 2026 as according to the guidelines a student passed or appearing in class 12 th can give clat exam. So you are definitely eligible for clat in 2026.

I wish you all the best for your future journey.

Work hard!

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


Yes, you are eligible for CLAT exam if you have cleared your class 12 examination from a recognized board with minimum of 45% marks. For SC/ST category students, only 40% aggregate score is required to be eligible for this exam. In addition, students who are currently in their class 12 and are due to pass out in 2025 are also eligible to apply.

For more information, please visit the website by clicking on the link given below:

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!


To prepare for the CLAT exam:

1. Focus on Legal Aptitude, English Language, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge, Quantitative Techniques, and Legal Reasoning.

2. Practice solving mock tests and previous papers.

3. Stay updated with current affairs and legal developments.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

Hii There,

Yes, after completing a B.Sc. degree from any recognized university, you are eligible to apply for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) for admission to various National Law Universities (NLUs) in India for their integrated LLB programs. You can also pursue a traditional LLB program (3-year) from any university that offers it, provided you meet their specific eligibility criteria. It's important to check the individual university's or college's eligibility requirements for their LLB program.

I hope this answers your question.


Hello aspirant,

Hope you are doing great.

As per your question, NO you are not eligible to give CLAT exam this year. Because the eligibility criteria for the CLAT exam provides that, you need to complete your 12th grade and during the filling of application form for the CLAT, you need to put your marks, and without completing 12th you cannot get your marks.

Hope this helps!

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Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


125 toffees cost Rs. 75, Find the cost of one million toffees if there is a discount of 40% on the selling price for this quantity.


Option: 1


Option: 2

Rs. 3,20,000

Option: 3


Option: 4


14. Find the present value (in Rs.) of Rs.3000 due after 5 years at 10% p.a. simple interest.

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


24. Raju took a loan at 8% per annum simple interest for a period of 5 years. At the end of five years he paid Rs.10640 to clear his loan. How much loan did he take?

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


'A' carelessly left an iron pole across a public road 300 m from that spot was a traffic signal indicating speed limit to be 20 kmph. B, riding a scooter at 80 kmph, noticed the protrusion from a distance, but still could not avoid it, collided with the pole and was injured. In an action by B against A.

Option: 1

B will lose as he was driving very fast

Option: 2

B will lose for some other reasons

Option: 3

B will succeed, because A was careless

Option: 4

B will succeed, because A could have avoided the mishap by putting up a warning

'A' was having a get together with his old friends and on his friend's suggestions, he consumed some alcohol. On his way back to home at night, 'A' heard some footsteps and turning back, he imagined he saw a figure moving towards him with a spear. In fact, it was only a man, 'B' with an umbrella, who was telling 'A' to walk carefully since 'A' appeared to be unsteady. However, 'A' proceeded to attack 'B' with an iron rod leading to grave injuries to 'B'. Is 'A' guilty of causing grievous hurt to 'B'?

Option: 1

No, 'A' is not guilty because in his intoxicated state, the umbrella appeared a spear to him and he exercised his right of private defence.

Option: 2

No, 'A' is not guilty because 'B' could have attacked 'A' with his umbrella

Option: 3

No, 'A' is not guilty because he was intoxicated on the suggestions of his friends and was incapable of knowing that he was savagely attacking a man, who was carrying only an umbrella

Option: 4

Yes, 'A' is guilty because he got intoxicated voluntarily and under the effect of this voluntary intoxication, he attacked and caused grievous injuries to 'B' who posed no threat to him in fart

'A"s cattle was being regularly stolen and 'A' was unable to apprehend the thief. One night, 'A' finally manages to catch 'B' untying his cow from the cowshed under the cover of darkness. 'A' slowly crept up to 'B' and slashed his neck with a sickle leading to the death of 'B' Is 'A' guilty of the offence of culpable homicide?

Option: 1

No, 'A' was only exercising his right of private defence of property

Option: 2

No, 'B' continued stealing of his cattle would have rendered his business inoperable

Option: 3

Yes, 'A' had no reasonable apprehension that 'A' could suffer any grievous hurt if he did not kill 'B'

Option: 4

Yes, 'A' should have first challenged 'B' to surrender before taking any steps to cause 'B's death

A, a 15 year old girl, having been rebuked by her mother leaves her house. At railway station she met the accused who takes her to his house. He provides her clothes, money and ornaments at his house and has sexual intercourse with the girl with her consent. What offence has been committed?

Option: 1

The mother is accused of maltreatment.

Option: 2

The accused is guilty of rape.  

Option: 3

The accused is not guilty.

Option: 4

None of the above.

A, a 15 year old girl, left her mother’s house and joined the accused because her mother has turned down the proposal of her marriage with the accused on the ground that she was too young. While she was with the accused he had sexual intercourse with her against her will. What offence has been committed?

Option: 1 None

Option: 2 None

Option: 3 None

Option: 4 None

A, a chain snatcher, forcibly pulled the ear rings from the ears of an old lady. Both the ear lobes were torn and the old lady suffered pain and suffering for over three weeks. For what offence can A be prosecuted? What offence have been committed?

Option: 1

He is guilty of theft.

Option: 2

A is guilty of voluntarily causing ‘grievous hurt’.

Option: 3

He is guilty of rash and negligent.

Option: 4

None of the above.

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